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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Trick 'R Treat Frankenstein Day 25

The days are really buzzing by lately.
Time flies when have none.

I wanted to share this incredible replica of Sam's sucker
from 'Trick 'R Treat'. I purchased it through a shop called,
run by a funny and talented fella named, Anthony Rapino

Anthony sculpted the original design and then cast it in 
this great translucent resin. I bought the aged bloody variant.
'Cause I'm a sick puppy like that. Did ya see what I did there? 
Check out Anthony's shop and see all the cool Trick 'R Treat and
Leslie Vernon magnets he has also sculpted. I bought a set of 
unpainted magnets of Sam with, and without his mask, and a 
masked Leslie Vernon, as well. I still need to paint those...

I made another page for that pesky paper bag album.

I made a Frankenstein themed page, complete with pocket and insert.
I used a cute Frankenstein image from Mashi Muffins (Wendy Chew).
 I really like her style of art. I also really like candy corn colored hair. 

It makes my purchase feel validated when a craft item 
has multiple functions. I just picked up this icicle border die 
from Cottage Cuts and I used lime green cardstock to resemble 
green ooze. Add some Stickles and you have fancy green ooze.  
I needed something to break up all that candy corn. 

Here is my insert. I used some cool old film poster images,
but most disturbing is the strange photo of Frank as a
small child. At least he finally grew into that wrecking ball
of a head of his.

I'm still hanging in there and am hoping to maybe get a jump
on next week's projects this weekend.
Wanna see some cool Halloween posts? Check out these month
long blog hops going on right now!

Quick parvo puppy update:
Foxxi was greatly improved yesterday. She was a hungry, happy tail girl.
She received a well needed bath and spent some time drying in the sun.
Yesterday was not a good Gabbi day. Hopefully, she's in the last stages of this
horrible disease. Still no appetite, but is drinking water on her own. Kind of.
She's only three/four days into this, so we're hoping for a better day today. 
Thank you again, for all of your well wishes and good vibes.
I think it's working. :)


  1. The screws are brilliant. I love the mix of pictures and your creation (ha get it creation)

  2. Glad to hear Foxxi is getting better and hopefully Gabbi will improve soon. Can't imagine having TWO to care for. Fab find and great make. Love how you've colored her hair! that fancy green ooze is actually bile from barfing up all that candy corn. EEEWWW!!! xxD

  3. Glad to hear about Foxxi - sorry about Gabbi. Good vibes still coming your way. Love your Frankenstein themed page. Great colors and use of the vintage posters.

  4. Fabulous project and marvelous news!! Happy day!! The image is so standout with the colors and the hair is awesome in candy corn colors! I had no idea that was icicles who knew changing color could affect a stamp that way!! It is goo....not icicles! The insert is fab..that young freaky!

  5. Icicle ooze! It's positively septic!
    (OK, bad choice of words for all your present troubles)
    Your Frank images are Franktastic.
    Your little treater is Creeptacular.

  6. Super good puppy news, thanks for updating!
    Glad you had some play time too for you!

    Love that lollipop, awesome creepy.

    Your Candy Corn girl is SOOOO SOOOO COOOL. Love her hair! Awesome job!

    Still holding you in my well wishes for a speedy recovery for all there!


  7. Always an interesting read your blog!! Love the the citric creation!!

  8. Spooktacular creation and love your lollipop too and YES, I totaly did see what you did there too ;0) Awesome news on Foxxi and hope today was a good day for Gabbi!

  9. Love that Frankenstein girl! How do you actually buy the images from Wendy Chew? I can't quite figure it out, although I love them.

  10. Awesome card, love her hair and the glowing ooze. Glad to hear your pup it's doing better, I will continue to send healing thoughts their way.

  11. Awesome page and card, Great colors. Love the sucker. Glad your pups re felling better.

  12. Wow! Love the card and it's insert! Those are really cool screw brads, I want some! Where did you get those? Yeah, did a great job on her candy corn hair color too, how creative!


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