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Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Hallowe'en!!!! Day 31

Today's the day!
I can't believe we made it!
I feel good that I pushed myself to finish, even though
I really wanted to just quit and sleep. A few times. 
Glad I made it to the end.

I wanted to share a smattering of my actual Halloween-type shirts.
The three are from Toxic Toons/Eric Pigors, and the Jack Shinnington
shirt is from Fright Rags. The chick in the coffin glows in the dark. Bonus! 

I had been dying to make these pumpkin spice cupcakes. 
That is until I was halfway through making the buttercream frosting by hand,
and realized that this was way too labor intensive for me! But I was almost
done and wanted to try the pumpkin spice frosting and the cupcake together. 

So here is a great shot of my crappy piping skills.
Good thing this isn't chocolate frosting....

Despite their slightly 'rustic' appearance, they were/are delicious!
And they photograph pretty well, also. 

Have you heard of the "Busy Mockingbird"? She is an artist
who draws gorgeous faces and heads of people or whatever,
and then she lets her young daughter 'finish' the drawing in her 
own style. They both are some amazing ladies. 

As if that weren't enough, she has begun to sculpt these adorably
creepy, and kinda fugly, Monster Puppies!! 
I chose this one to come and live with me. Isn't he sweet?
This one is actually a brooch, but she makes necklaces and actual
plushies with these kinds of faces.   

I just wanted to share this photo because it is beyond
cool! And beautifully shot.

Here is the final page of that Halloween themed paper bag album
I have been working on all month. I still have some fine tuning to do,
but pretty much like Halloween, this thing is done. I just need to add covers
and add ribbons to the binding edge. 

I used a cool raven image (from parts unknown) and a Happy Halloween
image from Stampin' Up. I clear embossed the 31 after I colored it orange
using Copics. Then I used some distress inks to finish off the background.
I'm happy it's done, and I'm proud of the work I put into it. I couldn't have
done it without these Halloween hops. Lots of work, but great fun.
I hope to see you guys lurking and whatnot in the future.
I'm going to go hibernate for a week or two....  

I will leave you with a couple of snapshots of my squirrel baby, 

I'd say she is feeling 100% better than two weeks ago.
Gabbi is 100% as well, but declined to have her photo taken. 
Thank you again, for all of your kind words and prayers.
I am positive it made a huge difference for me, which in turn,
helped my babies.
You guys ROCK! 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Happy Hunting? Day 30

Woo hoo! Almost there! 
I can smell burnt pumpkins and rain
in the cool autumn air.

Quick shot of my Halloween tree. I can't find my
ornament hangers so I don't have all the ornies on yet.
I did get those cool green cricket lights at the Dollar Store.
Wish I had bought more sets. They always sell out of the cool
stuff really fast. 

This is my personal collection. I love them.
The Frankie one in the front left, is my newest acquisition.

Here are a few of my black t-shirts.
I have always been a girl of epic proportions, so finding cool t-shirts 
was quite a struggle. Then I found places like teeVillain, Fright Rags, 
Eric Pigors, and TeeFury who offered limited run, unique t-shirt designs 
for all sizes. Score.

The OBEY shirt has got to be my favorite.
I love 'They Live'.
And here we have 'Fofe' from Stampotique Stamps.  

I colored him with Copics, and splattered some red on his shirt
to go with the altered sentiment.

I used a mini sponge blending tool from TH to blend the
background using distress inks.

Don't forget to check out the awesome blog hops going on
all month. 

Lastly, I have the winners of my two giveaways.
Betcha thought I forgot, huh?

Oddworldian (crafty prize)
Matney (non-crafty prize) 

Please email me at 
with your mailing info so I can get
your winnings out to you ASAP. 

Thanks for stopping by to check out my wares.
I'm gonna miss you on November 1st.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

That's a big pumpkin! Day 29

Two days to go!
I am so ready for Friday!!
In more ways than one...

Here is a snippet of today's shirt, complete with dog and cat hair.
The perils of wearing black all the time. That's what lint brushes 
are made for, right? I'll try to get a group shot of multiple shirts tomorrow
in the daylight.  

My card today features a gorgeous image directly from 

I kept the card fairly simple to keep all of the focus on this
little witch and her fiery wings and lavender familiar.

 The image is called, Big Pumpkin, and can be found here.

So I never managed to choose the winners for the giveaways yet.
I'll do it tomorrow for sure! Just not enough hours in the day lately. 

Be sure to check out both of the hops as they begin to gear up for Friday.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Inevitable Walking Dead Homage Day 28

Wow, we are really getting down to the wire here, aren't we?  
Just a few more days and we can take a collective sigh, pour a cup
of whatever makes you warm and toasty inside, and start planning
for next year. No rest for the wicked.

When I first considered entering these hops I thought I'd share my
extensive black t-shirt collection. Like one new shirt a day for 31 days.
I probably could do it for 60 days, but some shirts are navy....
Since I was impaired right from the start, that never happened.
So I figure, why not show some now anyway?
This is today's shirt. It's by Ben Von Strawn. Great retro monster artist.

Speaking of great artists, here's another Rick St. Dennis image, 
called, 'Zombie Time' and is sold exclusively through 

In honor of the last Walking Dead episode, I shall call him,
"Bob", a.k.a. 'Tainted Meat'.

Great rubber stamp I ordered from Viva Las Vegas Stamps. 

This is also my card for the final challenge of the year over at 
The theme is Hellacious Hallowe'en - No cute stuff!
I think this will work.

Thanks for sticking with me on this Halloween inspired voyage.

I never remembered to draw the names for the giveaways, 
but I will do it tomorrow. Sorry, I'm just too tired this evening.      

Monday, October 27, 2014

Check out some of my schtuff Day 27

Welcome to the final week of the Halloween Countdown blog hops.
Today, I'd like to share a tiny bit of my humble abode and some of
my holiday decorating. 

Artsy shot of my mantle. I love that mercury glass pumpkin.
It is one of my new additions this year.

I love color! Bright, bold color. If it's sparkly, even better!

Kudos to my husband for picking this up for me this weekend.
He rocks and so does this wicked ram's skull!
It's just a resin replica, but it's still super cool. 

These are a couple of jars I made a few years ago.
I added bbq ashes to the 'Corpse Dust' bottle, and the other
bottle is a Maker's Mark bottle which comes with the melted red wax (?).

Oh! And here is my ATC for today's crafty project.

I used this sweet little Frank from Make it Crafty.
He is from the Mini Monzta Boys set of digis.

Since his bolts are rather large, it left little room to do much
else, but I did add some MS washi tape to the bottom.

And now we resume our tour...

One of my favorite candle holders is this glass cauldron. 
It came as a set from Partylite years ago, but I just got 
some 'Hocus Pocus' votives for them the other day.
When the wax melts it turns into a wicked toxic yellow liquid.
I love these candles.

Another favorite from Michael's. Such a nice thrill to catch something
like this on clearance after the holiday.  

Here is another vignette on the left side of the mantle.
I am all about collecting cloches for my captured treasures. 

And the right side of the mantle. Another Michael's clearance jar with the purple
ribbon, alongside my new snow globe of the headless dude. I did score a mercury
glass cloche from a wonderful shop called, Insomniac's Attic. It's keeping my
bunny eared Stitchling in check. He likes to poke the kittehs with his pointy
stick if I don't lock him up at night.

Okay, folks. Thanks for stopping by today.
I'll be back tomorrow with the names of the giveaway winners.

Be sure to check out all the wonderful work and interesting posts
being offered on these glorious month long Halloween hops.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sexy Winged Beast Day 26

I must say that I have enjoyed better Octobers.
This has been a rough one. And by the time it's over
I'll be ready to enjoy it. That's why all the decorations
will be out until Thanksgiving. Well, there are a good amount
that stay out all year long, but you get the idea.

Check out this schmexy chick from Rick St. Dennis.
Her name is 'Batty Bettina'. Pretty cute, huh?
I colored in non-traditional Halloween colors for a change.
I was beginning to bore myself with the same old lime green,
orange, and purple color schemes. It was difficult to find papers
that looked okay, though....

I am almost completely done with this Halloween themed album.
Three more pages, and the covers, and I am done. Finally.
It has been fun though. I have no idea what I'm going to do with
it once I'm done, but I'll figure something out. 

Thanks for sticking with me so far. 
Not much longer now, and we can get back to our
regularly scheduled lives.  

Be sure to check out these month
long blog hops going on right now!

Both the girls are on the mend!! Foxxi is doing very well. We are so
proud of her progress. She even felt well enough to model her fall sweaters 
for us yesterday. Gabbi is eating solid foods, and is happy she doesn't need a 
sweater. I think we're going to be okay. Can I cry now? What a week.....  

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Trick 'R Treat Frankenstein Day 25

The days are really buzzing by lately.
Time flies when have none.

I wanted to share this incredible replica of Sam's sucker
from 'Trick 'R Treat'. I purchased it through a shop called,
run by a funny and talented fella named, Anthony Rapino

Anthony sculpted the original design and then cast it in 
this great translucent resin. I bought the aged bloody variant.
'Cause I'm a sick puppy like that. Did ya see what I did there? 
Check out Anthony's shop and see all the cool Trick 'R Treat and
Leslie Vernon magnets he has also sculpted. I bought a set of 
unpainted magnets of Sam with, and without his mask, and a 
masked Leslie Vernon, as well. I still need to paint those...

I made another page for that pesky paper bag album.

I made a Frankenstein themed page, complete with pocket and insert.
I used a cute Frankenstein image from Mashi Muffins (Wendy Chew).
 I really like her style of art. I also really like candy corn colored hair. 

It makes my purchase feel validated when a craft item 
has multiple functions. I just picked up this icicle border die 
from Cottage Cuts and I used lime green cardstock to resemble 
green ooze. Add some Stickles and you have fancy green ooze.  
I needed something to break up all that candy corn. 

Here is my insert. I used some cool old film poster images,
but most disturbing is the strange photo of Frank as a
small child. At least he finally grew into that wrecking ball
of a head of his.

I'm still hanging in there and am hoping to maybe get a jump
on next week's projects this weekend.
Wanna see some cool Halloween posts? Check out these month
long blog hops going on right now!

Quick parvo puppy update:
Foxxi was greatly improved yesterday. She was a hungry, happy tail girl.
She received a well needed bath and spent some time drying in the sun.
Yesterday was not a good Gabbi day. Hopefully, she's in the last stages of this
horrible disease. Still no appetite, but is drinking water on her own. Kind of.
She's only three/four days into this, so we're hoping for a better day today. 
Thank you again, for all of your well wishes and good vibes.
I think it's working. :)