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Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Hallowe'en!!!! Day 31

Today's the day!
I can't believe we made it!
I feel good that I pushed myself to finish, even though
I really wanted to just quit and sleep. A few times. 
Glad I made it to the end.

I wanted to share a smattering of my actual Halloween-type shirts.
The three are from Toxic Toons/Eric Pigors, and the Jack Shinnington
shirt is from Fright Rags. The chick in the coffin glows in the dark. Bonus! 

I had been dying to make these pumpkin spice cupcakes. 
That is until I was halfway through making the buttercream frosting by hand,
and realized that this was way too labor intensive for me! But I was almost
done and wanted to try the pumpkin spice frosting and the cupcake together. 

So here is a great shot of my crappy piping skills.
Good thing this isn't chocolate frosting....

Despite their slightly 'rustic' appearance, they were/are delicious!
And they photograph pretty well, also. 

Have you heard of the "Busy Mockingbird"? She is an artist
who draws gorgeous faces and heads of people or whatever,
and then she lets her young daughter 'finish' the drawing in her 
own style. They both are some amazing ladies. 

As if that weren't enough, she has begun to sculpt these adorably
creepy, and kinda fugly, Monster Puppies!! 
I chose this one to come and live with me. Isn't he sweet?
This one is actually a brooch, but she makes necklaces and actual
plushies with these kinds of faces.   

I just wanted to share this photo because it is beyond
cool! And beautifully shot.

Here is the final page of that Halloween themed paper bag album
I have been working on all month. I still have some fine tuning to do,
but pretty much like Halloween, this thing is done. I just need to add covers
and add ribbons to the binding edge. 

I used a cool raven image (from parts unknown) and a Happy Halloween
image from Stampin' Up. I clear embossed the 31 after I colored it orange
using Copics. Then I used some distress inks to finish off the background.
I'm happy it's done, and I'm proud of the work I put into it. I couldn't have
done it without these Halloween hops. Lots of work, but great fun.
I hope to see you guys lurking and whatnot in the future.
I'm going to go hibernate for a week or two....  

I will leave you with a couple of snapshots of my squirrel baby, 

I'd say she is feeling 100% better than two weeks ago.
Gabbi is 100% as well, but declined to have her photo taken. 
Thank you again, for all of your kind words and prayers.
I am positive it made a huge difference for me, which in turn,
helped my babies.
You guys ROCK! 


  1. Great image on you album page!! Congrats on making it to the end despite all the ups and downs in your life this month! So glad the doggies are well again too xxx I've loved all your projects, decorations and assorted Halloween pictures and whatnot.....enjoy a peaceful few weeks...maybe I'll see you for the Creepmas hop!! xxxxx

  2. Awesome project for today, love the raven holding the 31! Super happy your furkids are so fine today! Thanks so much for sharing all of your art and fabulous collection all month. Such fun stuff! Happy Halloween!~kim

  3. Perfect last page! Gorgeous colors! WooHoo, Glo! all decorated and DONE with two happy and healthy fur babies who have you to thank. You're amazing, my friend! Love seeing all your schtuff and you find the most amazing artists. Happy Halloween and monster hugs to you! xxD

  4. Wonderful ending post!! So much to see and enjoy! Love all your goodies! For me the highlight was Foxxi looking so well! So glad they are both doing well; you must be an amazing nurse that is such a hard disease to fight! Congrats! Love, love that raven and your coloring on your last page! It is awesome! Happy Halloween! Thanks for all your inspiration!

  5. You have shared so many unbelieveably cool things with us this month, and introduced us to other wonderful artists as well.
    Your final page is very fitting. Love the 31 placement in the raven beak.
    Sad as it is for the hop to be over, the news that your pups are doing so much better makes us feel happy. Such a delightful example with Foxxi, your tree dog!
    Your cupcakes and wicked orange piped frosting are enticing. It may be time for me to fire up my oven. You continue to inspire me.
    Thank you for being here every day this month. Your talent, big heart and generosity make the world a better place. And a more beautiful place.

  6. Your cupcakes look delish. I might have to give them a try. Love your final album page - full of color and fun details. Busy Mockingbird has some interesting items, this little puppy is kinda creepy but cute. On a final note - I am glad to made it to the finish line. I am proud of you. Happy Halloween. Thanks for being apart of this fun 31 Days of Halloween Hop.

  7. Love your project!!! Happy Halloween!!

  8. HAPPY HALLOWEEN! What a spooktacular finale post, I love every single detail or all your awesome goodies, and cupcakes and furbabies and not to mention that fantastic card! Bravo!

  9. Happy Halloween! This lurker thanks for you all the wonderful projects you shared over the past 30 days! It was fun getting to know you and your work better!

  10. Awesome page, love the colors!
    Thanks for sharing your talent and for inspiring me with your amazing projects during the 31 Days of Halloween event!

  11. Fabulous album page! Love that purple raven! Thank you so much for all your wonderful projects over the past month, and I'm so, so glad that your doggies are so much better! (A tip on the frosting: use a star tip instead of a round tip--it will make all the difference.)

  12. Happy Halloween! It's been a blast visiting you each day to see your wonderful art! I'm so happy your furbabies are all better too. :)

  13. Glo this is a perfect ending to a perfect run of projects. I have loved all that you have created this month. Thanks for being so wickedly cool. You rock!

  14. Another superlative page! Have really enjoyed your post althrough! Thank you! See you next time!!


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