Current Design Teams

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Inevitable Walking Dead Homage Day 28

Wow, we are really getting down to the wire here, aren't we?  
Just a few more days and we can take a collective sigh, pour a cup
of whatever makes you warm and toasty inside, and start planning
for next year. No rest for the wicked.

When I first considered entering these hops I thought I'd share my
extensive black t-shirt collection. Like one new shirt a day for 31 days.
I probably could do it for 60 days, but some shirts are navy....
Since I was impaired right from the start, that never happened.
So I figure, why not show some now anyway?
This is today's shirt. It's by Ben Von Strawn. Great retro monster artist.

Speaking of great artists, here's another Rick St. Dennis image, 
called, 'Zombie Time' and is sold exclusively through 

In honor of the last Walking Dead episode, I shall call him,
"Bob", a.k.a. 'Tainted Meat'.

Great rubber stamp I ordered from Viva Las Vegas Stamps. 

This is also my card for the final challenge of the year over at 
The theme is Hellacious Hallowe'en - No cute stuff!
I think this will work.

Thanks for sticking with me on this Halloween inspired voyage.

I never remembered to draw the names for the giveaways, 
but I will do it tomorrow. Sorry, I'm just too tired this evening.      


  1. Double EEK! I think this is definitely not way! Which is a compliment to us, right? lol
    You really made this dude reek of rotting stuff...and that sentiment..well let's just say I haven't had my coffee yet so I am moving on quickly! So that must mean you did a fantastic job..and you did!!

  2. Creepy cool card, love all the blood drips and blobs and smears. What a freaky sentiment too, great work!

  3. Oh Yeah, this works. LOL Fabulous gore and blood spatter. Be still my heart! Cool tee, too. xxD

  4. I think you got the right word - Hellacious!
    They may not be functioning, but Bob got brains!
    I am curious about your T-shirt collection. How was it gathered?

  5. Awesome card, so creepy and zombierific! Such a stylish zombie too, love his tie! Awesome t-shirt stash!~kim

  6. Too funny. Love the sentiment and the blood. I had to cringe when they showed the Bob scene. I know it wasn't real but they do an excellent job making it believable.

  7. Super spooky fun!! OMG totally addicted to the Walking Dead! What a great episode, poor Bob! I almost would have enjoyed the story line about what would happen since they ate tainted meat! Can't wait for next week, I am dying to know what happened to Beth! Carri~Abusybee

  8. The spatters and spashes, goo drips and goobers are so great. Love it all. Zombies unite

  9. Eeek is the word....oh my so gory....but well done!

  10. Amazing creation! Love the sentiment and all the gore!

  11. yay that episode was awesome! bob looks great! I so wanted him to turn and eat them all! ha ha

  12. Fab card and coloring. Love the sentiment.

  13. Ooooo I love it, what a wicked cool card, love that zombie and your Tee is fangtastic!

  14. Eeewww...that is one creepy zombie! Love the sentiment and the way you have it stamped in blood red!

  15. what a sweet thing to say----Happy Halloweenies Love, Uncle Rick

  16. What an amazing card you crafted to share. I must admit it is my favorite not only of yours but of the hop in it's entirety! I really do like it that much! I am admittedly a huge Zombie fan! My late husband and I were married on October 28,2007 and the theme was Zombie! It truly was a night to remember! We made our local paper and everything!


Feel free to comment or just vent.