Current Design Teams

Monday, June 30, 2014

Smeared Ink Monthly DT Blog Hop

Welcome to the June installment of the 
Smeared Ink monthly blog hop.
I can hardly believe that it's already summer.
Moreover, that it's almost July 4th! 
Time really flies when you're an old lady!

here is my card using one of the awesome "Llorona" images available exclusively
from the Smeared Ink Rubber Club. Well, they haven't been released just yet,
but since I'm on the DT I get the perks of playing with the new releases early.
[insert shit eating grin here]
I struggled to make this card. I tried to force some cool Day of the Dead
dp on this project, but there was a shade of green that just wouldn't play nice
with all the purple. I scrapped it finally, and just kept everything in shades of purple
and black. So much better! 

I broke out with the pearl stick pin and a handmade headstone embellie.
I need to make more of these. That is one of the best Martha Stewart
punches in my collection. Next to the drippy goo punch. That one is a
definite must have for any creepy crafter.   

Be sure to check out the entire hop with these handy links.
 photo DTButtonApril2014_zpsfa628662.jpg


  1. An old lady? fun said, glo ;) Very beautiful with only the same color in different shades on image. An over all very pretty card! Sorry I couldn´t take part with you guys and hope to catch up soon. Take care! HUGS lisa

  2. Just fabulous embellies and love the shades of purple. Image hauntingly beautiful and pops out. Great texture and dimension on that background. BEAUTIFUL coloring.

  3. Oh oh oh I love everything about this. The colors the embelees the layout everything. Oh how I love the minds on this site. Kisses glow

  4. aren't these images the best?!? I just love them! I was actually going to use this one too but Millie got a hold of it and added her own colors...but I didn't really mind because each one is as beautiful as the other! especially when you color make them look kinda vintage and I love it!


Feel free to comment or just vent.