Current Design Teams

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Corpse Flower Sprite

I have the great pleasure of being on the Aurora Wings DT.
This means that I not only get to create with all of Mitzi's incredible
artwork, but that I get to make suggestions as to possible future images.
Well actually, if you are a member of the Aurora Wings facebook group
you can make all the suggestions you want, and eventually Mitzi may get
around to drawing up one of your suggestions!
But I digress...

I have always been slightly enamoured with the magical carrion flower, or
also known as the (way cooler sounding), corpse flower

This beautiful plant grows in the rainforests of Sumatra.
The bloom is enormous, and smells of rotting meat, or really smelly gym socks. 
It only blooms once, every two years. So it is a pretty big deal every 
time one blooms. The bloom only usually lasts for 24 to 48 hours.
 One just bloomed in Missouri Botanical Garden, and one also bloomed 
in a man's backyard in Florida. He has been growing it for 12 years from a seed.
This is the first time it has bloomed. He has seven total plants that he has
grown from seeds he purchased for $100 each. So cool!

Again, I digress...
See? I said I was a bit enamoured with this plant.
I asked Mitzi if she would draw this incredible plant as one of her Sprites.
And she did!
Wanna see him?
Are you ready?

Isn't he delightfully menacing?
And dig those awesome, squiggly stench lines!
And the flies, too!

I loved coloring this odiferous guy up!
I think he'd make a great/funny "get well" card. 
He is now available in the Aurora Wings digi shop.
Get him before his stench fades!   


  1. Awesome post, Glo! :D These are such cool plants! I'm glad you gave me the idea to put a sinister spin on him as a dark sprite. I'm happy to welcome him into the growing Sprites Collection. Can you believe he makes 48 already? Thank you for making such a delightful card with him. It's great to have you on my team. Big hugs, Mitzi xx

  2. Drive By, Blogging. Just thought I would say... hello! So "HELLO", I hope all is... well... that it just is!
    Jeremy [Retro]

    There's no earthly way of knowing.
    Which direction we are going!

  3. This is wonderful, Glo! And a great idea too. This little card is perfect for him!

  4. Hello! Wonderfully creepy Corpse Flower. I am new to your blog and love your art. I love your texture and color, awesome!

  5. OMG - how utterly AWESOME is that digi - well done Mitzi... I LUV it.
    I have seen these before and thank goodness I have a very little sense of smell - but I can still 'taste' them !!! YUK !!!
    Awesome make Glo :-D
    IKE xxx

  6. I've always wanted to see one of these live and in person! What a great idea for a GW card. Ha ha!

  7. Fabulous card and she did a great job on the image! =)
    Hugs, Elenor

  8. Fab layer and distressing. LOVE this and went immediately to link and purchased. Beautiful and thanks so much for details on the flower.


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