Current Design Teams

Monday, September 9, 2013

Gloomsville, man! Gloomsville.

The calendar tells me it's September, but the weather
says, "It's still summer!" It's supposed to be over 100 degrees today,
which means it's a good day to watch paint dry. 
I'm working on some new projects for my Etsy shop. 
Think Haunted Houses.  

Speaking of Haunted (Design) Houses, it's the 
beginning of the second week for our,
"Hallowe'en in your face!" 
challenge sponsored by The Octopode Factory.

I made a new addition to my Hallowe'en themed, paper bag book.
This is the cover. I still need to add all of the ribbons to the
binding side, but I'll wait until the book is complete first.

I have a bunch of charms. I rarely remember to use them though.
This time I used three in one shot. I popped some Firefly Stickles into the
eyes of the skeleton key for a nice, eerie glow. I love the newer neon Stickles! 

I made a little scene of sorts using the new Gloomsville spider and web,
along with the Terrence and the door from The Octopode Factory.
I'm finally starting to get the hang of using Gimp.

One of the cool things about these paper bag books is that they have
pockets for inserts. I made this one using the tab punch from Stampin' Up
and a spider brad with a purple rhinestone on it. Oh, and some fancy
coordinating ribbons, too. It just kind of screams, "Pull me!", doesn't it?

Not quite sure what I will be doing on the insert, but it looks pretty 
cool so far. 

A quick shot of the spider webbing I extended out from the
original image, using a Stardust Gellyroll pen. I just eyeballed it.
I wanted it to look like the spider had webbed over the door.

I don't think Terrence gets many visitors....

Stop by HDH and see what the Minions have made for this
fun and easy challenge. We are offering a $10 gift cert to 
The Octopode Factory to one lucky winner!!!

And I totally forgot to post this on Saturday, but the current challenge
over at Wicked Wednesday ATC is to celebrate our 
100th challenge!
We have multiple sponsors as well. Lots of goodies to be won if you play 
along and help us celebrate this milestone.

Don't these guys look like they're having a party?
Or maybe they're crashing one?

This is another of my favorite images from
Rick St. Dennis. I'm not sure it's available anymore,
but he has a TON of awesome images to choose from!!   


  1. Love your paperbag book and Terrence is very cool !

  2. I've not heard of a Paperbag book before, but it sounds like a great idea and your cover is FAB! :)

  3. I'm really diggin the book you've got going. I need to find some black paper bags. makes all the diff. Great cover and adorable ATC. love those guys! xxD

  4. Im always in awe glo, Fab front cover, I love your eye for what colours to choose. the extended spider web works so well. great combo of images.Loving the ATC too, again great images and an amazing colour job x

  5. You just rock those vibrant colours. You always make them look so appealing whereas others make them looks bleugh! Love all of your work. x


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