Current Design Teams

Friday, September 6, 2013

Hallowe'en is on it's way!!

I'm running a bit behind, but for a good cause.
Cause I was busy getting ready for the best holiday ever,
It's no big secret that I bleed orange and black,
or that I was born into a family who relished the season.
It's in my DNA to be an Autumn People.

So first up, is my guest DT make for the Hallowe'en release at Simply B Stamps  
and for the layers challenge at Simply Steampunk challenges.
I have used the new "Jude Spook" image available here.

After a ridiculous amount of time, I got the boa trim to stay
behind the cool bat brad. Sometimes I spend way too much time on 
the teeniest of things. But I like how it looks, and that makes all of the
cussing and fussing worth it.  

I am stuck in a coloring rut of sorts. I just can't seem to color anything
in a Hallowe'en scheme, without the use of yellow greens, violets, and
yellow reds. Those colors just scream, "Happy Hallowe'en!" to me.  

I hope you'll stop by the Simply Steampunk blog to see the other
marvelous samples using the new images from Simply B Stamps,
and maybe make a layered project as well. 

Next up, is my make for the current challenge at Dilly Beans.
The new theme is buttons.
See what I mean about the color scheme?
I just can't help myself. It's a sickness.... 

I have a TON of buttons that I rarely ever use, so I tried to get as many
as possible on here. I managed to use six buttons. Not bad. 

 I have used the #406 "Worried Skellie" image.
I took some liberties with his eyes and the heart on his
shirt. I replaced them all with buttons in keeping with the theme. 
I also went to town with the white gel pen, too. Still getting the hang of it.

I hope you'll drop by the Dilly Beans Designer's challenge to see
all of the other wonderful samples and maybe even play along
using your Dilly Beans images and some buttons.  

Keep it creepy!!!


  1. I love your Worried Skellie!

    Do you need any more buttons for your projects? I seem to have collected quite a few of them that I'm not sure I feel like packing up anymore. I'd love to see them go to a good home! LOL

  2. Haaaallllloooooweeeeeeeen! That's me screaming with excitement! I love both of these cards. You're coloring amazes me all of the time! Great job!

  3. This is awesome love the colors they just pop so glad you could join us at SSC this month awesome creation.xx

  4. Wow Awesome! Loooove the colours and great Embellies Great Image to combine it with!

  5. Well of COURSE you use those fab colors. they're just perfect and so are your projects. FAbulous detail on both and I especially love the white highlights on the DB image. xxD


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