Current Design Teams

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Crazy?! Who you callin' crazy?!

Busy, busy, busy!!
I've got way too many Hallowe'en irons in the fire today!
Must stay focused.... but the shiny objects are so pretty....

We're sponsored by Time for Tea Designs over at WW ATC today.
Such sweet artwork, and great images to work with.  

Our theme is "Crazy for Daisies"
Perfect theme for the end of summer, dontcha think? 

Check out the eye candy at WW, and maybe even get inspired to play along!


  1. Busy busy busy! whare are you busy? Halloween is near and now we have need your ideas..Great Ideas..Keep posting...join your blog today!

  2. LOL, shiny objects!
    I always love stopping by and see what you've been up to and leave inspired!
    A fab ATC...perfect colors!!!

  3. Why aren't you playing 31 days? Inquiring minds want to know :)


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