Current Design Teams

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

DT Throwdown: Old and Grey

It's time again for the monthly, DT Throwdown challenge!!
What is a "throwdown challenge", you may ask?
Well, Smeared Ink has put out a challenge to all Design Teams
to make up a team of three, and compete (for bragging rights and a cool badge)
against other DTs by creating something magical (or not) from the monthly prompt.
The one main rule besides following the theme is to use a stamped image somewhere
on their project. Seems simple enough, doesn't it? If nothing else, it's loads of
fun and a great way to step out of your creative comfort zone.
Stop by the new Throwdown blog and vote for your favorite team's projects,
and maybe even get inspired to play along with us all next month. 

This month's theme was chosen by last month's winners,
They have decided to go "Old and Grey" for the new challenge.    

Here is what I came up with for the theme.

After much brainstorming and deliberation, I kept coming back to coffins.
I bought a bunch of paper mache coffin boxes last year on clearance,
thinking I could use them to send my little Halloween sculptures out in them
this year. I made a few using decoupage and Halloween napkins, but 
I wanted to try some new techniques this time around.

I love this little fat coffin shape!
I got out the modeling paste and covered the entire box and lid. 
I used a metal wings embellishment behind a cool polyclay
skull gifted to me from my buddy, Kristy. I painted the entire coffin
and embellishments in gray, and then proceeded to dry brush the 
lighter shades onto the rock-like texture.    

Quite happy with the outcome.

Inside the box, I have adhered a little Vampire from RSD.
What's a coffin without it's Vampire?

The inside of the lid got some special attention as well.
I added a cute skull stamp, and then some sparkly curly q's
for more interest. 


I tried some crackle paste on this coffin.

Similar results as the modeling paste, but with some real cracks.

I was lucky enough to win last month's Stampotique giveaway,
and this is one of the awesome new stamps I received.
It's called, "Lovelyarethesound".  

Lastly, I added a metal skull brad and a rhinestone to bling things up a bit.

That's it for my DT Throwdown entry.
Please drop by the HDH blog and check out what the rest of my teamies made for 
the Throwdown.
Then, please stop by the new Throwdown blog to vote for your favorite
team's projects. Voting begins today, and ends Friday. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Nailed It!!

So since I have a hand in the planning of
upcoming HDH challenges, one might think
I would have a jump start of sorts on the current
challenges. Nope. Never happens. I have weeks to plan 
for my projects, but always wait until the eleventh hour to 
get started. I work better under pressure. Or not.

The current challenge at HDH is Nailed It!!
After a quick trip the thrift store for "dense dolly heads",
I came up with this......  
I have always been a sucker for an old school mohawk.

After dismembering the dolly, I nailed 22 nails into said dolly's head
to resemble a mohawk.  

Then, I painted the head with black gesso, which is amazing!!!
The coverage is awesome!!! One coat and I was ready to paint!

Lastly, I dry brushed some bronze metallic paint to hit all of the 
highlights. Then I added a touch of rust to the nails for effect.
 I decided to stop here, and save this cool dude for a future
project, as opposed to adding it onto a sub par base that I 
am unhappy with in the end. Quit while you're ahead, Glo.

Thanks for stopping by!
Keep it Creepy!!  

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Simply Steampunk Hallowe'en

Today I have the honor of being a part of the new release
I was asked to guest DT for Betty's new line of
Hallowe'en Steampunk images, drawn by the uber talented,

I was given Rio Gone Batty to work with.
Isn't she gorgeous?!
I felt she deserved a place in my Hallowe'en themed
paper bag scrapbook.  

I added Rio to a scientific diagram of a bat using Gimp.
Then I colored her up in my favorite color scheme, using 
Copics in violet, yellow red, and yellow greens. Oh, and blue violet
for her skin. I added some distress inks on the bat background and 
some distressing with a sanding block and scissors. 

I added one of my hoarded (it's okay, I know I'm a hoarder) Hallowe'en stickers.
I even went so far as to cut out the samples on the packaging for even more
hoardable embellishments. It's a sickness.... 

Lastly, I layered some MS punched fence and other various Halloweenie
type embellishments on top for a nice complete scene. 

Thanks for stopping by!
Keep it creepy!!
And remember: 
Only 68 more days until Hallowe'en!!!

Monday, August 19, 2013


Man, just when I think I'm finally making progress,
I find myself behind again!

I made some ATCs for the current Wicked Wednesday ATC challenge,
Broomsticks and Black Cats, sponsored by Digi Darla.

This little witch is available in the Digi Darla shop.

Hobby Lobby just opened up nearby, and while perusing their well stocked aisles,
I saw these little paper bags that were just perfect for an ATC!!  
I used a Stampendous (cat) clear stamp, and a Pink Paisley clear stamp from their
"Phantom" line. I distressed the edges a bit with TH distress ink in tea and vintage photo.

Here is the ATC that goes inside of the paper bag.
I used a TH cat die covered in stardust embossing powder. 
I paired it with a glittery cat border from K&Company. 
I also added some orange Stickles for the kitty's eyes.

There is still a bit of time to play along with us at WW this week. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Spooky Monochromatic-ish

Today's Dilly Beans challenge is 
Brings back memories of art class, doesn't it?
I guess if I was actually paying attention in class, I would know that
just by adding the orange into my project, it no longer qualifies for 
So flunk me.

I used #199 Bat Boy Loves Candy image for my 
Hallowe'en scrapbook page. This is the first time I have 
colored this little fellow up. He looks kinda sad.
Or just melancholy.

I used #477 Bat for the top of my page.
He works perfectly with the cool badge in the middle.
I finished it all up with a MS punched bat border, a little die cut tag,
and some orange ribbon. Ta-dah!
I'm hoping to finish this black bag scrapbook by the end of next week.
Better get busy!!!

Thanks for dropping by!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Coloring Desdemona's Eyes and Makeup Tutorial

Due to the coming Autumn season, I have chosen to step down from the RSD EDT
to get all of my ghosties and punkins in a row. This is my busiest time of year,
both creatively and personally, so I had to cut back a tad on my DT commitments.
I look forward to possibly doing a guest DT spot for RSD, sometime in the future.

   I'd like to end my EDT membership by wrapping up on my coloring tutorial
for the beautiful RSD June freebie image, Desdemona.
In my previous tutorial here, I showed the versatility of skin tones,
and how they can completely transform an image.
Now I am going to show you how I color hair, makeup and eyes.
I have no formal or certified training with Copics. I just like to color.

I start out by using my darkest color, E09.
I try to fill in the darkest shadows of her hair.
I look for the inside of curls or the place where her hair comes
out from behind or under another layer of hair.

Next is YR09. I use it for her next medium shade.
I basically just follow the shadows and keep pulling color out
from the last color used. 

Next is YR07. I just keep pulling the colors into the light.

YR04 for the lightest orange shade. 

Not sure why my scanner went so light, but I have added Y35 and Y38
for my lightest golden tones and highlights. 

Here she is with her eyes, flesh, and make up colored.  

And now for the eyes and make up.....  
I began with B04 for the darkest shadow of her iris. Her eyelid will cast the darkest
shadow at the top of her eye.

Next, I added B02.

And now, B01.

Lastly, I use B000 to blend all of the Blue shades together. 

I wanted a little more contrast, so I added B06 to darken up her
iris a bit more at the darkest point. 

Lastly, I used B66, B63, and B60 for her eye make up and lip color.
I also use the lightest skin tone (this one is E30) to blend it all out and make it
appear sorta natural despite the unnatural color choices.

Here are some other color samples using the very same techniques each time.
I used YRs for the purple version, RVs for the green gal, and BGs for the red chick. 
I am loving how the purple skinned chick came out.
Must be the Hallowe'en colors....

I used YG and V for the pink flesh tone, and V and RV for the blue/green flesh tone.

Well, that's gonna do it for me today. I will miss working with the entire RSD 
family, but I'll be stalking all of them on their blogs and facebook pages.


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Clockwork ATC

"Time is of the essence."
"Time flies when you're having fun."
"You're out of time."
"Time stands still for no one."
And my personal favorite time themed quote,
"Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like bananas."  

This week at WW ATC challenge we are sponsored by
and the theme is Clockworks.

I got to work with this awesome Clockwork Sun image.
Such a cool image to play with. I really love the whimsy and 
weirdness that Lily creates with her artwork. Very unique! 

After coloring with Copics, I added some orange and yellow
Stickles to make the sun really pop. I added some white highlights
using a white Gelly Roll pen.

Lastly, I added one of my favorite sayings in rubber.
I got it at a convention in the bay area, years ago from

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you'll join us this week at 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Happy Birthday, Jenn!!!

Since entering this blogging world , full of creative and supportive folks,
I haven't met anyone quite as nice, and caring, and genuine, as Jenn Borjeson.
Don't get me wrong, I've met tons of super friendly and uber creative people here, 
but Jenn is so sweet, she'll make your freakin' teeth hurt! 

She runs the Wicked Wednesday ATC challenge and she also
manages to create for multiple DTs, and she even finds time to make cool stuff
just for herself. Which she then sends to her friends to brighten their day. 
Today is Jenn's birthday, and I just wanted to say, 
"Thank you for being such a wicked pissah of a friend!!!!"
Love you, Jenn!!!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

What's your sign?

I have always been pretty true to my zodiac sign.
I mean, I am a true Virgo. I can be very picky, meticulous, modest, reliable,
overcritical, harsh, and judgemental. Not all great traits to have,
but they're mine.
Zodiac/Astrology. We are sponsored this week by
I used their awesome Virgo constellation digi for this ATC.

I used the Leo digi for this one. 
I really like the background colors using Dylusions Ink sprays.

I am really happy with the Crackle Accents on this.

And lastly, we have Cancer.

After coloring the image with Dylusion inks,
I cut it into eight pieces, mounted it onto the black card stock, 
and then ran a Versamark pad around the outer edge. 
I dusted it with gold embossing powder to finish it off.

That's it for me today.
There is still plenty of time to play along with this week's
Zodiac/Astrology challenge at WW ATC challenge.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Tea, anyone?

Welcome to the very special Make it Crafty Tea Party!!!
Today, I'm joining the fun with a collection of Make it Crafty fans from around the world,
serving you a delicious array of crafty delights to celebrate not only the magical release
of Alice in Wonderland, but also Make it Crafty's THIRD BIRTHDAY!!

What better way to celebrate than with a tea party full of Make it Crafty fans?

As you chase the White Rabbit down holes, through small doors, and around corners,
keep an eye out for hidden letters, and collect them along the way.
Simply decipher the 'question' and enter the answer at the end of the hop
for a chance to win the grand prize!

It wouldn't be a fun tea party without hidden prizes along the way.
Make sure you comment as you chase the rabbit, for a chance to win more prizes!

Hopefully, you've found your way through the door from Linda,
but if you've just fallen down a hole, than you might want to start back at Zoe's blog.


The guests were given the option to play with 6 images from the new collection,
and I chose to get creative with the Steampunk Caterpillar and the White Rabbit.  

 Absolem is one of my favorite Wonderland inhabitants.
I kind of doubt this is what Lewis Carroll had in mind,
but this Absolem is quite wonderful in all his Steampunkery.

Ya just gotta love a hookah smoking, Steampunking caterpillar!
I know I do!

This card gave me a chance to break out with my new TH dies, some
found washers and a copper tag for good measure.
This was a great image to create with!

Speaking of great images, here is the sweet White Rabbit.
I wanted to keep this one CAS to focus on the image.
Mission accomplished.

I added the sentiment in Gimp, and then used BG Copics 
to give the impression of white on the rabbit. I used CGrays
to give the illusion of white for the shirt and vest.
I always need a belated Birthday card, so this is perfect!

The fun doesn't stop here, so be sure to head through the next door 
in the hop which leads to Janice

Happy Hopping!!