Current Design Teams

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

DT Throwdown: Old and Grey

It's time again for the monthly, DT Throwdown challenge!!
What is a "throwdown challenge", you may ask?
Well, Smeared Ink has put out a challenge to all Design Teams
to make up a team of three, and compete (for bragging rights and a cool badge)
against other DTs by creating something magical (or not) from the monthly prompt.
The one main rule besides following the theme is to use a stamped image somewhere
on their project. Seems simple enough, doesn't it? If nothing else, it's loads of
fun and a great way to step out of your creative comfort zone.
Stop by the new Throwdown blog and vote for your favorite team's projects,
and maybe even get inspired to play along with us all next month. 

This month's theme was chosen by last month's winners,
They have decided to go "Old and Grey" for the new challenge.    

Here is what I came up with for the theme.

After much brainstorming and deliberation, I kept coming back to coffins.
I bought a bunch of paper mache coffin boxes last year on clearance,
thinking I could use them to send my little Halloween sculptures out in them
this year. I made a few using decoupage and Halloween napkins, but 
I wanted to try some new techniques this time around.

I love this little fat coffin shape!
I got out the modeling paste and covered the entire box and lid. 
I used a metal wings embellishment behind a cool polyclay
skull gifted to me from my buddy, Kristy. I painted the entire coffin
and embellishments in gray, and then proceeded to dry brush the 
lighter shades onto the rock-like texture.    

Quite happy with the outcome.

Inside the box, I have adhered a little Vampire from RSD.
What's a coffin without it's Vampire?

The inside of the lid got some special attention as well.
I added a cute skull stamp, and then some sparkly curly q's
for more interest. 


I tried some crackle paste on this coffin.

Similar results as the modeling paste, but with some real cracks.

I was lucky enough to win last month's Stampotique giveaway,
and this is one of the awesome new stamps I received.
It's called, "Lovelyarethesound".  

Lastly, I added a metal skull brad and a rhinestone to bling things up a bit.

That's it for my DT Throwdown entry.
Please drop by the HDH blog and check out what the rest of my teamies made for 
the Throwdown.
Then, please stop by the new Throwdown blog to vote for your favorite
team's projects. Voting begins today, and ends Friday. 


  1. Great minds glo. Coffins always rock in ny world. Love both rick and stampotiques images xx

  2. They both look AMAZING. Loving the rhinestone thing and the modelling paste looks brill. Superb creations. x

  3. Your coffins are to die for! Seriously Fangtastic! I'm loving the rock effect you've achieved. You always make the coolest things :)

  4. Oh my gosh - these are all just seriously gorgeous.... I'm with Lady B - to die for! xoxo

  5. how awesome! I love these coffins I am feeling very inspired by these :D xxx


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