Current Design Teams

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Nailed It!!

So since I have a hand in the planning of
upcoming HDH challenges, one might think
I would have a jump start of sorts on the current
challenges. Nope. Never happens. I have weeks to plan 
for my projects, but always wait until the eleventh hour to 
get started. I work better under pressure. Or not.

The current challenge at HDH is Nailed It!!
After a quick trip the thrift store for "dense dolly heads",
I came up with this......  
I have always been a sucker for an old school mohawk.

After dismembering the dolly, I nailed 22 nails into said dolly's head
to resemble a mohawk.  

Then, I painted the head with black gesso, which is amazing!!!
The coverage is awesome!!! One coat and I was ready to paint!

Lastly, I dry brushed some bronze metallic paint to hit all of the 
highlights. Then I added a touch of rust to the nails for effect.
 I decided to stop here, and save this cool dude for a future
project, as opposed to adding it onto a sub par base that I 
am unhappy with in the end. Quit while you're ahead, Glo.

Thanks for stopping by!
Keep it Creepy!!  


  1. Oh, you must be so pleased with the way it turned out! Brilliant job! You "nailed it" alright! :D

  2. Love him! The hairstyle is absolutely gorgeous :)

  3. Looks immense. That colouring job is fantastic and love the hair do. x

  4. Great dolly head love it's Mohawk! I am taking the Micheal deMeng DDDD class! Love the metallic paint you used!

  5. Love it! I can hardly wait to see how the mohawk dude (or dudette) ends up!

    Nice to hear somebody else leaves everything to the last minute and also uses the reasoning that “I work better under pressure.” I used the very same phrase myself this morning in an email to somebody. LOL

  6. Love that bronzey baby with the cool 'do! You ROCK and obviously so does he/she? xxD

  7. Absolutely brilliant Glo, the punk hair is perfect. Love it x

  8. absolutely stunning. Love the colour that has been achieved. I would be proud as punch to have done that. The nails - the mohawk is fabulous


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