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Saturday, September 29, 2012

I'm ready for Fall

I am so ready for Fall to begin.
I have been working on Hallowe'en schtuff all year, and now
I am ready for the weather to reflect the season.
It's supposed to be 99 degrees here tomorrow.
Boo. Hiss.
The challenge is Fall is in the air at Dilly Beans this week.

I decided to rebel against the weather and make a fall inspired
Hallowe'en card using #461 Halloween Skellie framed.
He is available at Dilly Beans Digi Stamps.
Okay, now I feel a little better.  
THIS makes me feel alot better though.

Yup! It's a Zombie Flamingo creepy lawn ornament!!!
One of my dearest friends picked it up for me at the Spirit Halloween store.
I have yet to check out Spirit this year. It has been kind of a disappointment the
last few years, so I may just skip it.
This Zombie flamingo is awesome, but the damn sticks that they provide
and the stupidly shallow holes for them to fit into, really irk me!!!
I ended up modifying him to accommodate a single stick right up the center.
Works better, but it sucks that they are selling them like this in the first place.
But, I am glad that they are selling these instead of the black ones with a stenciled
skeleton on the side. This is way cooler, although I did want the skellie ones
when I first saw them years ago.


  1. Card is super CLASSY. Love your flamingo he is very cool x

  2. I love the little skull dude.And I so want one of those flamingo's.Wish the UK was more into the best day of the year.

  3. Gorgeous coloring and fab layout! LOVE the Flamingo! Gotta get me one. xxD


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