Current Design Teams

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Screamin' Me Me in chains!!!

This week the challenge theme at HDH is
"Chain me up, Chain me down".
Incorporate chains into your project .
I chose to work with a favorite image from
Rick St. Dennis (Uncle Rick) called,
"Screaming Me Me".  

I made an ATC using chains to imprison my little fiend, here.
I fussy cut MeMe, and then added him to a Stickled and embossed spider web.
I opened the links of the chain and put his little wrists in to make it official.
I added a little inspirational saying to convey hope.
I'm nice like that.
Drop by Haunted Design House and see what else the Minions have
chained up (or down) for this week's challenge.
And now for something completely different.
I love to garden. I hate to pull weeds, but I love sit out back on the patio
and enjoy the blooms and hummingbirds that fly in for a quick drink at the feeder. 
This is an asparagus fern. I have had it for quite a few years,
and never knew it could flower.

I think the coolest part is that it flowers off the tips of the leaves/needles.
So cool!

What kind of a Gloria would I be, if I didn't have some Morning Glories?

I used an old wire etagere (over the toilet shelf) from the bathroom and sunk it into the
flower bed for a homemade trellis for the glories. I think they like it. 

Our fruit trees were so overloaded with fruit this year. We still have some
pluots (Pluots= plum/apricot hybrids) on the limbs that will serve as varmint food.
Our orange tree is covered in oranges, too! Looks like I'll be stuffing the turkey with
citrus fruit this year.
Lastly, this photo marks my triumph over those damned web worms!!
I hate those little effers!!!!!  They were eating my blooms before the flowers ever had
a chance to unfurl their striped beauty!
Die worms! Die!!!
Thanks for dropping by today and taking a look at my garden and my ATC.  


  1. Frog in a spider web! I LOVE that card!!!


  2. damn worms indeed!
    a lily bug devastated my garden this summer...made me cry like a baby!
    beautiful yard girl!
    great card :) made me snicker

  3. I love that froggy, he looks so cool, love the way you have him chained up x
    garden looks great as well. wish we had humming birds here, The only 'Humming' Birds we have are from Birmingham ;)

  4. Beautiful garden, I too would love to sit out there drink coffee and watch the birds!

  5. This is incredible Glo! Love the colouring and the web and the chains and of course your amazing flowers in your garden. x


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