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Thursday, October 4, 2012

So, I like to suck a goat every now and again...

Here is quick look at an elusive cryptid, the Chupacabra.
The Chupacabra or Chupacabras (Spanish pronunciation: from chupar "to suck" and cabra "goat", literally "goat sucker") is a legendary cryptid rumored to inhabit parts of the Americas. It is associated more recently with sightings of an allegedly unknown animal in Puerto Rico (where these sightings were first reported), Mexico, and the US, especially in the later's Latin American communities. The name comes from the animal's reported habit of attacking and drinking the blood of livestock, especially goats.
Awww! He doesn't look very intimidating or scary.
But then again, I'm not a goat.

He even brings his own snacks. 
Goat shank anyone?

I fashioned him out of polymer clay. The eyes were supposed to appear
large and able to see well in the dark. My Chupa is a little light sensitive, and
could probably benefit from corrective lenses. Or some cheap sunglasses.
His horns (and tail) glow in the dark and aid in his nocturnal hunting of goats.
Ack! Those eyes are killing me! Wish I had gone a different route, but I can just
blame it on interpretation.
Join HDH this week for our "Creepy Cryptids" challenge.
We have a great sponsor and a fabulous prize for the chosen
Gruesome Twosome this week! Check out this post for more info.   


  1. Sucking a goat now and then is perfectly normal... if you're Aleister Crowley.

  2. He's adorable...even though I like goats, haha. Love that his horns and tail glow in the dark!

    Also, I don't think you need to worry about the eyes. He looks great :)

  3. OMG he is amazing. I adore him - even the eyes xxx

  4. He's so cute! I'm thinkin' his eyes give him a sort of "Where am I? and what am I supposed to be doing? look. Makes me giggle. Love his fangs and snack. Brilliant. xxD

  5. He is so freaking cute!!! I think his eyes look fab but maybe a sheen on them might make them look more eyebally! Very cool clay work x


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