Current Design Teams

Friday, June 1, 2012

Who are you calling a Dilly Bean?


That's right, I am an official Dilly Bean DT member!
I have been a fan of Megan's art style for quite some time.
I own a few (only four so far) of her gorgeous paintings,
and I enjoy using her fun and quirky images for my crafting projects.
I was so honored for her to invite me to be a part of her
design team, and I am looking forward to making all kinds of
cool schtuff with her images.

The new Friday challenge this week at Dilly Beans is

I cannot tell you how long and hard I looked for striped paper
in my immense paper stash. Apparently, stripes don't jump out at
me while choosing new papers to buy.
I'll have to change that going forward.  

I guess I didn't have to use every striped paper I could find,
but somehow I think they all play nicely with one another.
The red striped vellum was stuck in a used paper organizer
I bought at a yard sale years ago. Glad to finally make use
of it.

I just had to use one of  Megan's newer images,
Worried Skellie.
So sweet.
In a "stitched-closed-mouth" sorta way. 
Personally, I think all boys should come with this option.

I accordion folded the panel behind the main image, and
then hit it with a sanding block for stripes and distress.
I managed to work in some twine (that I have had for far too long),
by wrapping it around the panel in a random fashion. 
Lastly, I added some stick on brad heads, but had to modify
them a bit to match the color scheme. 
Hope you are inspired enough to enter, but if you still need
some more inspiration, check out what the rest of the DT
came up with over at the


  1. Well congrats Mrs anybody would be lucky to have you on their team. Absolutely amazingly brilliant card, that image is pretty cool and I love how you made the accordian paper stripes. x

  2. WooHoo! It's official. We're teamies x 2! LOVE your card! The distressing is fab and of course great minds think alike on the image. LOve it! xxD

  3. really cool card - love the accordion distressing :) xx


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