Current Design Teams

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

So distressed... and some old Rat Fink

This week at HDH the challenge is to distress your project.
The sponsor for this challenge is
and they have offered up a killer prize of a
$15 digi shopping spree to their shop!

I chose to work with this weird little candy corn monster 
from Smeared Ink.
He is so cute in a slobbery and chopped off head, kinda way.

I am in love with this guy. Or maybe it's just his little teefs.
I used some distressed paper from a random Hallowe'en
paper pack. Then, I added a distressed bit of the cover from a
TH Hallowe'en paper pack, and worked it over pretty good
 with a sanding block and the TH distressing tool.
I think I like using scissors better.
I added some cool webbed ribbon in green and black and even
snuck in that cool bug ribbon that I bought last season and
never managed to work into a project until now.

I still have another Smeared Ink project to fininsh up,
using one of their cool Death Cab images. Stay tuned.

You still have until Sunday at 5PM, CST to enter to win
a $15 digital shopping spree at Smeared Ink!!!

The three day weekend gave my husband time to clean up
his man cave (a.k.a. the garage), and he ran across a box of
goodies from my past.

I have always been a fan of Rat Fink and
 since the seventies.
This toy is from 1990 though. Not really vintage quite yet.

I even managed to keep the unused sticker card intact as well. 
I loved going into KayBee Toys and TRU, and hitting up the clearance
aisles. KayBee was always a good one for cool clearance items.
Some people just didn't know what was really cool back then.
Back in the olden days of the early 1990's.

When I die, my son is going to make his living off of
ebaying all of my cool shit.
Some of my schtuff is going to the grave with me though.
I have compiled a rather extensive list, with my original
Fischer Price stuffed Kermit the Frog from 1976, topping the list.
Still gonna be a greedy little miser even in death.


  1. You must have a really really big house for all of your goodies. Love your card, you coloured him up perfectly and loving what you did with the web ribbon (so very darn cool). xx

  2. Great project...and I have that same bug ribbon have yet to use it! The Rat Fink is too cool!

  3. that green mesh is just the right embellie here. love the colouring, that acid green slobber is so the right choice. xxx

  4. I may have mentioned this before, but this is some of your best work, in my opinion. Stunning.


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