Current Design Teams

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Zombies for sale

Just a peek at some of the newly dead
over at my Etsy shop.
Each piece is re purposed from neglected and unwanted
figural statuary. You could even say that they're "green".
I crack myself up! 

This little one is not for sale, but I love the evil gaze of the
unfinished "Zombunny" in the background.

What garden is complete without a bloodied angel
lying amongst the petunias?

ZOMBUNNY has arrived!

This cute little fella likes to adorn the edge of
candy dishes or flower pots.
Multifunction at it's finest.

My first black haired cherub.
Okay, now I'm just being silly, right?

I like to refer to these two as, "the Twins".
Best part? There is a taper candle holder on the other side!
Siamese twin angel candle holder!
I couldn't have planned it better had I cast this piece myself. 

Throw back wall hanging. Maybe chalkware, but seems heavier.
He looks so much better this way, trust me.

This is the third composer bust I have Zombified.
I am always on the lookout for new ones.
Those, and Buddhas.
I need more Zombuddhas.

Stop by my Etsy shop and check out my
Hallowe'en themed items, supplies, and weird wares.
I am also open to custom listings and special orders.

Thanks for dropping by!


  1. Very very cool, cherubs kind of freak me out without being zombified hehe x

  2. I need you here to do this buddah. Too heavy to post - awesome collection Glo xx

  3. Oh my gosh, you are so freaking awesome. Love them all.

  4. love the zombies. they are amazing.

  5. Oh, this is so wonderful & inspiring! My favorite is the brain-eating Beelzecherub!

    I have some odd ceramics (some gifts, some Fleam finds) that are just crying out for this treatment. I think I'll start out with a zombie George Washington for the 4th!!


Feel free to comment or just vent.