Current Design Teams

Monday, October 31, 2011

Merry Hallowe'en!!!

Happy Pagan Holiday!!

I made it through yet, another holiday season.
Seems like my old, tired ass really fell behind this last week.
Not enough 5 Hour Energy drinks in my system I guess.

I did manage to finally make something with this awesome
digi image from Hannah Lynn.
I think I bought this one right off her Etsy site.

Isn't she lovely?

And now for some light reading on this Hallows Eve.
A little something from Mister Price
and then "The Littlest Zombie".
I haven't picked up many new comics this year.
I think both of these are from 2010. 

I found these at a swap meet this past summer.
One of them is from 1973 and the other one is from 1989.
Vintage at it's finest.

Have a safe and insane holiday!!! 

Friday, October 28, 2011

Pumpkinhead and a documented fail

Well I am usually not one to take photographic evidence
of one of my failed craft projects. I usually just can it and
act as if it never happened.
This one is more of a cautionary tale because I don't want
others to make the same mistakes and experience the same
frustration without proper warning.

I was at Michael's last year around this time, and picked up
a couple of those "do it yourself" vinyl toy kits.
One a Frankenstein, and the other, a Pumpkinhead.
"Perfect!", thought I, as I struggled with this week's MM challenge

The kit comes with stickers and permanent markers. I decided to
fore go the included cheapo markers and use my awesome Copics!
Epic fail for me. Boo.
The markers stayed tacky and then once I started using the black marker
it was all down hill from there.

In frustration, I sprayed the figure with alcohol and watched it melt.

Totally stained from the Copics, I decided to try and paint the figure
with acrylic paints. LOTS of coats of acrylic paint.
No more failed photos taken at this point, but it looks better
than the Copic catastrophe.

So I opted for clay.      

The mighty Pumpkinhead sits amongst the
debris of his anger and hungers for revenge! 

I don't know how he actually kills, as he has no arms
or a mouth, but I'm spent this week.
You figure it out.

Have a spooky weekend!!!
See ya on Monday!!! 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wretched Wednesday - Pumpkinhead

This week's Macabre Monday challenge is
Movie Madness: Pumpkinhead. 

Now I totally grew up on the horror of the 70's and the 80's.
I remember the teenage neighbors coming home from the 
theater after seeing the original Friday the 13th. I begged them for 
details and then went around to all of my friends acting as if I had
actually seen the movie myself. What a little poseur. Ha!

Even though the film "Pumpkinhead" was a flop when it was 
released back in 1988, it has gone on and attained cult status
in today's pop culture.

With my mojo being on reserve these days, I did manage to
come up with something kinda cool.

This is a work in progress. Hopefully, I can get it finished
tonight. The Copics that I used to color this guy with are very
sticky right now. And the markers don't blend worth a turd on this
plastic either. Hmmm. I'm already vested here, so it's too late
to start something new.

I do have pretty good turd polishing abilities, so stay tuned.

I haven't totally been resting on my laurels.
Where are my laurels exactly?

I did make some new skulls.
These are way cooler than my old skulls.
I am making these into magnets, pendants, and using them as
embellishments on my new coffin plaques.

What do ya think?


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Blog Candy Wieners and my Lurid Landscape

The winner of candy #1 is:

The winner of candy #2 is:
Congratulations ladies!!!
Please email me here to claim your prizes!!

I want to thank everyone who commented and posted about
the candy, and followed my blog for a chance to win my schwag!

Now for my second order of business... 

here is my card for this week's challenge over at HDH.

The challenge is "Lurid Landscapes" and this was the best
I could summon. I really like it, even if it is rather plain.  

I really wanted the focus to be on this gorgeously wicked
Love that kitteh!!

So fun to color and create with!
I struggled to not use any orange as was the challenge
over at Delicious Doodles this week.
VERY hard not to use orange with the green and purple!
Seems like that is my color scheme of choice as of late.

That's it for me today - got lots of orders to fill!
Stay tuned because I have a "fun sized" candy up for grabs
next week.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A couple of cards, some collections, and a little bit more candy

I made some cool cards.
Wanna see?

I finally made a card with the Sweet and Toxic set from
The Greeting Farm.

LOVE how her hair turned out!

I made this one using a Sweet Pea image that I got from Teri.

I also used one of my handmade embellishments
to finish off this bow.
Nice, right?

And then we have some shots from my mantle.
I LOVE decorating with artwork from friends and other
Etsy artisans! The painting is from my dearest Minion Sister,
Andrea and the monster in a straight jacket is from
Michell at Covington Creations. 

More cool schtuff from friends and some
home made apothecary jars and bottles.
Maker's Mark bottles are the best, but not cheap. 

Here is a shelf in my hutch. Don't mind the dust.
I've got a couple kaleidoscopes, a hookah pipe, a handmade
pewter chalice with Dragon and crystal, a hand carved cup of Pan,
and some photos of Grandma. 

My favorite and first Gryphon statue, a Disney Villains snow globe,
and some other dusty treasures.  

Here are some of my most treasured Nightmare collectibles.
Killer Disney snow globe from like 12 (or more) years ago,
Sally and Jack mini snow globes, a jar of Worm's Wart, and another
Lock, Shock and Barrel snow globe.
I sprinkled in some of my and my son's Hallowe'en clay art for good

And now for some candy.

Some Stickles, some tin charms, a wooden "EEK", a Poison pendant,
a CreepyG skull pendant, a Hallowe'en foil and flock set from
Making Memories, and a cool rub on bottle label.
I will be adding this cool schtuff to the existing candy giveaways

                                                You have until this Thursday to enter!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Hallowe'en Blog Candy

It is hard to believe that Hallowe'en is almost upon us!
Seems like yesterday I was thinking I had better get
started on my projects for the coming holiday.
That was in June. I still have numerous unfinished
projects. Next year. They'll still be there for next year.

I have been quite fortunate over the past year or two,
and I have been a blog candy weiner, random draw weiner,
and a witty comment weiner quite a few times here in Blogland.
I have won some really killer schwag and prizes!

I am looking to pay it forward for this autumnal occassion,
and I am offering up some blog candies of my own.

I am offering up two candies for the Hallowe'en crafter.

Candy #1
Here is a nice little smattering of crafting goodies.

These lenticular stickers and the wind up skelly are awesome!!

There is an EK Success bat flourish punch, some
TH Distress Ink in Peeled Paint, some random rubber
from stamp companies I no longer promote, some cute
clothes pin embellies, and some brainz and skullz.

Candy #2
Let's see, we a Hallowe'en paper stack, some felt stickers,
some punched bats, some chalkboard stickers,
and a Cuttlebug Swirls embossing folder.

Some more stickers, some wood mounted stamps,
and a bug.

I tossed in some Glow Skullz and a couple erasers.
I'm sure I can schtuff  a Stickles and some Brainz and some other
goodies in there somewhere too!

I ended up splitting this candy into two candies since
it's nice to share. That, and the shipping might be a little
cheaper. I did say, "might". I'm just trying to keep it all
in a flat rate box.

If you are interested in these candies please follow the rules
to enter to win.
1. Become a follower if you aren't already.
2. Leave a comment. Be nice and include a way to contact you.
 You know the drill.
3. You can get an additional entry by re posting my candy on
your blog or sidebar.
Leave an additional comment with a link if you have re posted.

That's it!
I will randomly choose a winner and post it on
Friday, the 22nd of October.
Now pop on over to Haunted Design House
and see what other candies await you!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

HDH110 - Gods and Monsters

The following bit of art is purely intended for
entertainment purposes and is in no way a
direct slap to organized religion. I hope you
can appreciate it in the spirit in which it is intended.
If you are devoutly religious, easily offended,
or just new around here, you have been warned. 

This week's Macabre Monday challenge at HDH is
Gods and Monsters.
I love the movie and I like the juxtaposition of the two words.

Here is my interpretation of the challenge.

Say hello to ZomBaby Jesus!

I remember the cashier at the thrift store
telling me that they had the whole Nativity set 
if I was interested.

I can also fondly recall the look of disdain and the
rush to end my transaction after I told her what
I had planned for this sweet baby Jesus.
Don't ask. I won't tell.  
There is stil time to play along at HDH this week, and there
is an awesome prize up for grabs from this week's sponsor

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I heard ya missed me! I'm back!!

Whoa, it has been a while since I have posted
anything lately.
I have been very busy filling orders of brains and skulls
and jack-o lanterns. Oh my!
It is a good thing, BUT I miss playing, willy nilly, on whatever
I want, when I want. I am an artiste!!! I am not a trick pony!!

Okay, now that I got that out of the way,
"I vant to show you somethink".

Despite my lack of posts, I am still making cards and Hallowe'en thangs. 
I finally used "Fred and Ginger" from Kraftin' Kimmie.
I paired it with some MS papers from last year's "Vampire" line.
I think the drips are from MS as well.  

And now I will take full credit for these goofy assed eyes!
I thought it was going to look more,
"Look into my eyes and worship me",
but ended up
"Damn these eyes!" LOL!
I am not one to throw away a goofed up image, so I made it work.

I'll be back tomorrow with a disclaimer and a project for this week's
You have been warned!  

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Two Gory Chicks Hallowe'en Giveaway

Lots of Hallowe'enie goodies in this little
cauldron of horrors.

Stop by Two Gory Chicks blog and enter to win!
You have to jump through a few hoops, but it's more than
worth it!   

Wonderfully Wicked Etsy finds

I have been feeling a bit under the weather lately
so I am just going to post some cool schtuff I found on Etsy.

Tommy - 13 x 19 limited edition print
This is Tommy from the uber talented
 Monsters of Rock portraits.

Maybe Motley Crue isn't to your liking.
How about...

Joey - 13 x 19 limited edition print
...some Joey Ramone?

Or maybe some of you are into a little
G'n'R (I won't hold it against you).

Axl - 13 x 19 limited edition print
Axl has never looked better in my opinion.

Jason has more awesome art listed in his Etsy shop.
Check him out!

Maybe you're in the mood for something a bit more
This would be killer in my house! Just sayin'.
is a master with the chalk ware.

Coffin Ouija Wooden Plaque
This coffin shaped Ouija board would also be right
at home in my house!
Li Grand Zombi strikes again!
Check out his Etsy shop here.

And now for the coolest thing I have ever seen...

 Bespoke 3D printed Skull Ring in Stainless Steel
3D printed skull rings!!!
Yes, I did say, "printed".
Check out their Etsy store,

Lastly, I present a doll of magnificent talent.

Lillith and Eva  ART DOLL ooak fantasy tale goat fairies fairy  white
Sandra Arteaga is a mesmerizing sculptress!
Such whimsy and fantastical details!!
Please treat yourself and stop by her Etsy shop here