Current Design Teams

Friday, October 28, 2011

Pumpkinhead and a documented fail

Well I am usually not one to take photographic evidence
of one of my failed craft projects. I usually just can it and
act as if it never happened.
This one is more of a cautionary tale because I don't want
others to make the same mistakes and experience the same
frustration without proper warning.

I was at Michael's last year around this time, and picked up
a couple of those "do it yourself" vinyl toy kits.
One a Frankenstein, and the other, a Pumpkinhead.
"Perfect!", thought I, as I struggled with this week's MM challenge

The kit comes with stickers and permanent markers. I decided to
fore go the included cheapo markers and use my awesome Copics!
Epic fail for me. Boo.
The markers stayed tacky and then once I started using the black marker
it was all down hill from there.

In frustration, I sprayed the figure with alcohol and watched it melt.

Totally stained from the Copics, I decided to try and paint the figure
with acrylic paints. LOTS of coats of acrylic paint.
No more failed photos taken at this point, but it looks better
than the Copic catastrophe.

So I opted for clay.      

The mighty Pumpkinhead sits amongst the
debris of his anger and hungers for revenge! 

I don't know how he actually kills, as he has no arms
or a mouth, but I'm spent this week.
You figure it out.

Have a spooky weekend!!!
See ya on Monday!!! 


  1. Sorry things didn't go as you planned, but your clay pumpkin looks great! I think he could use his eyes to bore holes into the souls of his victims.:)

  2. ....oh and a waste of copic goodness.....I'm sorry! But thanks for the warning!

    I must say that I do love your clay version so much more!!! Those hollow angry eyes are spooky, indeed!

  3. Oh, that beast looks like he shoots daggers of pure malevolence out of its eyes! Gorgeous set Glo! :D

  4. OMGoodness - that little plastic guy really took a beating LoL NOT laughing at your frustration, but he just looks sooo funny. Must admit I definitely like the clay one better... it's AWESOME. :-D xxx
    Oh, and YES.... that was a DP image I used and I didn't notice about the skully until you mentioned it... but yeah... you're right. Here's the link where I got it ....

    Hugz n stuff xxxxxxxxx

  5. damn it i hate it when it all goes wrong !!!! but WOW your clay pumpking head is the best !!!!! i love love love love love it !!!!!!!

  6. so...i can see your frustration in the 'eyes of clay' ;) must say i like your clay pumpkin much better!

  7. just googled 'copic markers'...they look marvelous. however, before i invest in any, is there a permanent marker smell to them? i have a lovely variety of chemical sensitivities & cannot be around the fumes given off by permanent markers. which is why i'm mostly suck with crayola-type markers :/

  8. Love your clay guy he is well creepy xx


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