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Monday, October 31, 2011

Merry Hallowe'en!!!

Happy Pagan Holiday!!

I made it through yet, another holiday season.
Seems like my old, tired ass really fell behind this last week.
Not enough 5 Hour Energy drinks in my system I guess.

I did manage to finally make something with this awesome
digi image from Hannah Lynn.
I think I bought this one right off her Etsy site.

Isn't she lovely?

And now for some light reading on this Hallows Eve.
A little something from Mister Price
and then "The Littlest Zombie".
I haven't picked up many new comics this year.
I think both of these are from 2010. 

I found these at a swap meet this past summer.
One of them is from 1973 and the other one is from 1989.
Vintage at it's finest.

Have a safe and insane holiday!!! 


  1. Great score indeed!

    Nice card too!! LOVE it!


  2. Love your card it is gorgeous. Those comics look amazing, we don't get things like that here. WEll probably in forbidden planet but haven't been there for years but might have to plan a trip now I have seen the littlest zombie x

  3. gorgeous witch card! *really* like the skirt...thinking how well that would translate into a costume for next year...

  4. Hello & belated Halloween greetings! Glad to have discovered your blog. I'm jealous of your monster mag finds, & love the little candy corn critters in your shop!


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