Current Design Teams

Thursday, October 13, 2011

HDH110 - Gods and Monsters

The following bit of art is purely intended for
entertainment purposes and is in no way a
direct slap to organized religion. I hope you
can appreciate it in the spirit in which it is intended.
If you are devoutly religious, easily offended,
or just new around here, you have been warned. 

This week's Macabre Monday challenge at HDH is
Gods and Monsters.
I love the movie and I like the juxtaposition of the two words.

Here is my interpretation of the challenge.

Say hello to ZomBaby Jesus!

I remember the cashier at the thrift store
telling me that they had the whole Nativity set 
if I was interested.

I can also fondly recall the look of disdain and the
rush to end my transaction after I told her what
I had planned for this sweet baby Jesus.
Don't ask. I won't tell.  
There is stil time to play along at HDH this week, and there
is an awesome prize up for grabs from this week's sponsor


  1. Ooh, now I totally want a black zombie jesus nativity scene.

  2. Whoa this goes beyond zombie buddha, those guys won't touch you but jebus freaks will be after your blood just look at history ;p You are a little creative zombie freak x x x x

  3. Certainly a talking point Gloria, fantastic. I would have loved to see the conversation at the store when you told them what you were doing :)


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