Current Design Teams

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wretched Wednesday HDH099 Out! Out, damn spot!

This week's Wretched Wednesday offering
for the "Out! Out, damn spot!" challenge
is a bit on the bloody side.
I hope no one notices... 
I used one of my "never been used yet" stamps
from Stampotique. I had to have this image
when it came out. Perfect for my less than traditional
holiday cards.
I also got to use some of this heinous hunting themed vellum
that I bought back when I was living in Texas. I figured I'd get to use
a bunch of it on cards for my Dad.
Needless to say, I still have a butt load of it.   

I also forgot I even had the Tim Holtz wood grain embossing folder.
Came in handy for this card. I was having a rough time coming up with
anything to go with that damned vellum! Blood red embossing powder
and blood spatters complimented the animal killer paper just fine.

There is plenty of time to join in on the fun that is this week's
Get your entry in by this Sunday, 5PM CST. 


  1. WONDERFUL... of course. But it reminds me of a joke: What do you call a deer with no eye? No eye deer. What do you call a deer with no eye and no legs? Still no eye deer. LOL! Hope that made you smile. :)

  2. Superbly weird and wonderful x

  3. I always love seeing what you create with the Stampotique stamps, hope you can play along with our current challenge.

    Love the bludgeoning effect on this and I was reading some of your other posts and had to roll out of my chair laughing at your analysis of Dr. Christian Troy from Nip/Tuck. Used to love that show but it got too far out there for me to keep watching. You were dead on the money about him though.

  4. This is unbelievably cool - WHATEVER possessed you to buy Hunting vellum ????.... snort :-D
    Just had my Out Damn Spot creation removed from the Magnolia Down Under challenge Blog .... they obviously can't take a joke bwaahahahaahaha
    If you really would like it, send me your addy :-)
    Ike xxxx


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