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Friday, July 29, 2011

Zombified!!! and other thangs

Just a quick post today to let you see what I have been up to lately. 

My second Zombie Buddha. This one is solid concrete.
He is already listed in my Etsy shoppe.

My first "ZomBaby". I am not a fan of dolls, and this is the only
way I find them tolerable. I may keep this one.

My second, "ZomBaby". This one is in my Etsy shoppe as well.
Maybe I should name him. He has no legs. I'm thinking, "Bob".

My latest thrift store haul. I wash all the cooties off of everything
right  when I get home. Then I start to envision the transformations
of each unsuspecting piece of statuary.

I just bought the baby in the manger as opposed to the
entire Nativity scene. I can do plenty of damage with just this
one little piece.

Could they have made it any easier for me?
It came with an empty brain cavity!!!! 

I tried to stay away. I read all the warnings, but still I
insisted on going to Michael's yesterday.
Good thing too, or these guys would have been long gone!

I am itching to start working on these blank, vinyl figures!
I have so many other pressing orders and chores though!!!!

Just a heads up. Next week's Macabre Monday is a doozy!
Haunted Design House is celebrating their 100th challenge! 
I am brainstorming and working on something very close to my heart
for this one. There may be some goodies up for grabs too!
Be sure to drop by the HDH blog on Monday for all the details!    


  1. Great finds Gloria, I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with them.

  2. Very the zombie buddha! Looking forward to your new creations.


  3. I really really have to visit this Michaels if we go to America. I can't wait to see what you do with Santa and the cherub with the empty brain socket will look immense. The zombie baby is the stuff straight off the page of a horror book. Scary stuff x

  4. OMG, the little blank bat! I can't wait to see what you do to it!!!!

  5. OUU! Clap, clap, clap! I love your thrift store haul, especially that little manger tike ... I can't wait to see what you do with it!

    And, admittedly, I'll be counting the days waiting to see what you do with the vinyls from Michaels ... because I got one, too ... but now I'm stumped. HELP!


  6. What a score! Can't wait to see what your fabulously twisted brain does with them. LOL Haven't been to M's in AGES! Crap! Look what I'm missing! xxD (I must say, Bob makes me giggle!)


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