Current Design Teams

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Etsy find: RawkBalm

Since I have been a member of Etsy,
I have had the immense pleasure of meeting and doing business with
tons of brilliant and supportive people from all over the world!
I have met tons of like minded crafters and people who are
fans of art and handmade goods. I'd like to help
promote some of the shops that I enjoy and have had first hand
experience with.

This week I'd like to spotlight a killer shop called,

I happened upon this shop when this little number caught my eye!

Yes, that is Hello Kitty doing her impression of
Captain Spaulding from "House of 1000 Corpses" fame.
This awesome image sits atop a pot of organic beeswax lip balm.

When I received my order it was wrapped so cute I had to take a picture.

Like little candies!!

Future tattoo design? Maybe.

Who can resist a zombie kitty?

Total tattoo material right here.

Each pot of wonderfully smooth (not sticky or greasy) and
soothing balm comes in your choice of numerous delectable
scents, and your choice of image. Hayley will even add custom 
art or customer provided art to the lids too!
Perfect for a birthday party favor or a personalized bridal party favor.

Check out her shop and get your lips the best balm on Etsy!!  


  1. hey lady g,

    i hope your everything is well and all the good things are good... i wanted to tell you your interview is up, i hope it brings a world of attention to your great site...

    thanks again,
    jeremy [iZombie]

  2. They are brilliant, looks like a good stocking filler for my little ones will have to get an order in next pay day x


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