Current Design Teams

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Victorian Steampunk Fusion

Have you heard about this yet?
I am so excited to see the full range of new, and very
compatible digi images from the creative minds of

You had me at Steampunk!
I think these new images will be a perfect compliment to my
I am seeing them on "Thank you for purchasing my art" cards.
I can't wait!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I about freaked when I saw Zoe's colored sample. Her coloring is out of this world. If you like the new image ... go her to deviantart and check out some of Sureya's free downloaded line art. They look a lot like Make it Crafty's new image.
    Check out her art
    It's awesome. I am coloring a few of hers now.


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