Current Design Teams

Monday, July 4, 2011

In the Spotlight at Zombies and Toys

Creepy Glowbugg here.
I just wanted to toot my own horn here for a minute.

I have been featured today on one of my favorite blogs,

I am a huge fan of the zombie and I love toys!
What else is there?!
Please stop by Z&T today and check out my spotlight post,
along with all of the other gruesomely wonderful artisans
taking part in the Z&T Undead Bizarre.
There are prizes involved....


  1. Way to go Glo! It's about time you got another showcase tehe your work is fabulous to the creepy extreme (which is my fave) x

  2. Congrats on being spotlighted! Well deserved. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving me some love, too. Much appreciated.

  3. Of course you were... hahahahaha! Congrats! :)

    Danielle a.k.a. FitterTwit


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