Current Design Teams

Sunday, July 31, 2011

HDH100 - Varying Visages of Vincent

Hopefully you have arrived from Teri's blog.
If not, and you'd like to see all the Minions' projects
and take part in a small hop full of horrors and candy,

Today marks the 100th challenge for
Haunted Design House's Macabre Monday!!

This year also marked the 100th birthday of the original
Master of the Macabre, Vincent Price.

We have decided to combine both celebrations
(a little belated for Vincent) and make this week's MM theme,
"Varying Visages of Vincent".

We want to see Vincent Price represented some how, some way,
in your project. Use his laugh, his films, his voice, his presence,
as inspiration for your work.

I remember vividly being awed by this creepy old man with the
awesome voice, the very first time I ever laid eyes on him.
That was on an episode of The Muppet Show, circa 1977.


The quote I like the best from this episode is when Vincent tells Kermit,
"I never met a monster I didn't like".
That is my inspiration for this week's project.

I used an 8X10 canvas and went to town with as many
screen grabs as I could find from this monumental episode. 

I used a Doodle Factory zombie, and set the quote using Gimp.
I just may be getting the hang of that damned Gimp after all.

Awesome photo!!!

I used a Dustin Pike monster and some Stampotique skulls.
I was quite surprised that I didn't have more monster images.

I did find this cool mummy from Paper Makeup Stamps.
I added Glossy Accents to all of the stamped images and 
popped them up on cardboard for dimension.
I got crazy with the glossy acrylic paints and made lots
of green and black dots.

This is the view I have from my work desk.
There's Vincent, ever present, and uber ominous.

Okay, since you have played nice and looked at my schtuff I guess
I had better offer up some goodies.
I am offering up a sample pack of
Glow Skullz and Brain embellishments,
plus some brain magnets or a pendant. Your choice.
Just leave me a nice comment, stroke my ego,
blow sunshine up my fanny,(sorry my UK readers - I had no idea!)keester,
and I will choose a random winner on Sunday, the 7th of August.

Now! Head back to HDH to enter to win
the awesomely delicious Candy Corn
(if you followed all the rules) that the Masterful Mistress
has so generously offered up for this celebration!


Friday, July 29, 2011

Zombified!!! and other thangs

Just a quick post today to let you see what I have been up to lately. 

My second Zombie Buddha. This one is solid concrete.
He is already listed in my Etsy shoppe.

My first "ZomBaby". I am not a fan of dolls, and this is the only
way I find them tolerable. I may keep this one.

My second, "ZomBaby". This one is in my Etsy shoppe as well.
Maybe I should name him. He has no legs. I'm thinking, "Bob".

My latest thrift store haul. I wash all the cooties off of everything
right  when I get home. Then I start to envision the transformations
of each unsuspecting piece of statuary.

I just bought the baby in the manger as opposed to the
entire Nativity scene. I can do plenty of damage with just this
one little piece.

Could they have made it any easier for me?
It came with an empty brain cavity!!!! 

I tried to stay away. I read all the warnings, but still I
insisted on going to Michael's yesterday.
Good thing too, or these guys would have been long gone!

I am itching to start working on these blank, vinyl figures!
I have so many other pressing orders and chores though!!!!

Just a heads up. Next week's Macabre Monday is a doozy!
Haunted Design House is celebrating their 100th challenge! 
I am brainstorming and working on something very close to my heart
for this one. There may be some goodies up for grabs too!
Be sure to drop by the HDH blog on Monday for all the details!    

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wretched Wednesday HDH099 Out! Out, damn spot!

This week's Wretched Wednesday offering
for the "Out! Out, damn spot!" challenge
is a bit on the bloody side.
I hope no one notices... 
I used one of my "never been used yet" stamps
from Stampotique. I had to have this image
when it came out. Perfect for my less than traditional
holiday cards.
I also got to use some of this heinous hunting themed vellum
that I bought back when I was living in Texas. I figured I'd get to use
a bunch of it on cards for my Dad.
Needless to say, I still have a butt load of it.   

I also forgot I even had the Tim Holtz wood grain embossing folder.
Came in handy for this card. I was having a rough time coming up with
anything to go with that damned vellum! Blood red embossing powder
and blood spatters complimented the animal killer paper just fine.

There is plenty of time to join in on the fun that is this week's
Get your entry in by this Sunday, 5PM CST. 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Etsy find: RawkBalm

Since I have been a member of Etsy,
I have had the immense pleasure of meeting and doing business with
tons of brilliant and supportive people from all over the world!
I have met tons of like minded crafters and people who are
fans of art and handmade goods. I'd like to help
promote some of the shops that I enjoy and have had first hand
experience with.

This week I'd like to spotlight a killer shop called,

I happened upon this shop when this little number caught my eye!

Yes, that is Hello Kitty doing her impression of
Captain Spaulding from "House of 1000 Corpses" fame.
This awesome image sits atop a pot of organic beeswax lip balm.

When I received my order it was wrapped so cute I had to take a picture.

Like little candies!!

Future tattoo design? Maybe.

Who can resist a zombie kitty?

Total tattoo material right here.

Each pot of wonderfully smooth (not sticky or greasy) and
soothing balm comes in your choice of numerous delectable
scents, and your choice of image. Hayley will even add custom 
art or customer provided art to the lids too!
Perfect for a birthday party favor or a personalized bridal party favor.

Check out her shop and get your lips the best balm on Etsy!!  

Friday, July 22, 2011

Too Bleepin' Cute!!!

I am currently in the midst of a "cute" phase and I have
just about "out-cuted" myself on this card.

Isn't this the cutest darn bee you have ever seen or what?!
Heidi, the artist and shop owner of 2Cute Rubber stamps
has the whole, "cute" thing down to a science!
Every one of her images are just so sweet and adorable.  

This is "Bumble Bee Cutie" currently only available as a
digital image, but Heidi is planning on converting most of her
designs to cling mounted rubber very soon. I'll keep you posted.
The sentiment is from Hambo Stamps.

I already own a few of her cling mounted rubber images and they 
are a nice, deep etched red rubber, like we rubber purists prefer. 
I do like the convenience of a good digital image, but with the rampant
digital image theft/sharing going on these days,
I can understand why some artists may want to switch to only carrying rubber.

Anyhoo, stop by Heidi's shop and check out
the 2Cute images!! 

I'd like to enter this card in the "Anything Goes"
challenge at Birthday Sundaes.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Lynx!!!

Yesterday was our beloved Lynx's birthday.
She is such a stunning artist in a multitude of mediums!
As a special (belated) Birthday surprise, the other Minions and
myself have put together a few Birthday wishes for Lynx,
and we have even changed the Macabre Monday challenge
to accommodate this glorious occasion!

I went with the "Black Dragon" theme for her card.
Her other moniker is, "Black Dragon", and I thought
this image from Dustin Pike was just menacing enough
to be appropriate for Lynx, who hates "cutesy". 

Ooooh! Scary!

I really like this saying, and thought it was nice for Lynx too.
I do believe in Dragons! I really, really do!

This week's Macabre Monday challenge is
"Haunted Birthday Bash".
Who doesn't have a need for a
creepy birthday card for at least one cool friend?

Stop by and check out what the other Minions cooked up
for Lynx's Birthday at Haunted Design House. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

"Summertime" at Crafts and Me

the theme is, "Summertime".

I just received my second order from C and M,
and this one had "Butterflies in my Hair" and
"The Queen of Hallowe'en" from Jasmine Becket-Griffith's
range of rubber images.

Surprisingly, I chose to color "Butterflies" first, and it
went really well with this week's challenge.

I chose my paper before I started coloring and it was
a big help in coloring. Now it all matches perfectly!  

She is just gorgeous and looks wonderful in any color palette.

Used one of my new Spellbinders fancy tags
for a small sentiment from SU.

I am entering this card in the following challenges:

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Christmas in July?!

I'm gonna shake things up a bit today
and post a Christmas card!
It's never too early to get started on making Xmas cards.
Before I know it, December is here and I'm buying ready made cards
from Target to ashamedly send out to everyone.
Been there.

So there is a really awesome challenge blog called,
Every week is a new Christmas themed challenge that helps
keep you inspired to make all those holiday cards.
This week the challenge is "Heavy Metal" and the sponsor
is Kenny K Downloads

Now with a challenge like Heavy Metal, I figured it would
be a breeze! I grew up on the metal music scene, but once
I started digging for metal Christmas embellishments, I started
to worry. I found some things to work with though.

I pulled it all together and made this really cute card! 

The image is from Tiddly Inks. Too cute.
I made her fur on her outfit all sparkly with glitter.

These metal snowflake charms were all I could
manage to find as far as metal embellishments.
The centers of each one were a blue pattern that didn't
match, so I added a pile of Stickles to cover the offending,
mismatched centers. Voila!

There is still a little time to make the current challenge
at CSAYL. Kenny K images are up for grabs!  

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wicked Wednesday - HDH097 Loathsome Lotharios

The new challenge at Haunted Design House is
Basically, a guy who is a total player.
He'll take your money, your love and your dignity.
If you're one of the few who has never encountered
such a scoundrel, count yourself quite lucky.

I chose a quote from one of my all time favorite TV shows,

"Nip Tuck".

Doctor Christian Troy is a true douche bag
in every sense of the word. 
He's probably fun to be with for an evening, but don't
get comfortable ladies. He's been known to make women
wear a bag over their heads during intimacy before.
Real nice guy, right? 

I went with a very unfamiliar color scheme for this one.
I dunno why, but I just don't reach for blue very often.
I did reach for it this time, along with one of the 
Tickled Pink's "Lil' Lads - Lestat".
He looks brooding and in need of some female companionship.
I like it!

Drop by Haunted Design House and check out the 
eye candy from the rest of the Minions.
Maybe even get inspired to play along

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Finally, Pink Lightning!!!

I am a recent lover of Crafts and Me stamps.
Mainly due to the fact that they are carrying
I am a fan of Jasmine's art and have a few of her
prints framed and hanging in my home.
When I found out that Crafts and Me were carrying
her designs, I just had to get my hands on the rubber! 
Easier said than done, I'm afraid. Those stamps
kept selling out faster than I could order the main
image I was after, "Pink Lightning". She is gorgeous!

Well, after much anticipation, the highly coveted rubber arrived!!

See? I told you she was gorgeous!! 
I colored her in shades of teal and green and I love her!
I popped her onto some foam dimensionals on top
of a fleur de lis rectangle from Spellbinders.
Then I added some custom colored fleurs and some
pearl stamen to finish it all off.

I would like to enter this in the current
Crafts and Me challenge of "Favourites".

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, July 11, 2011

2 Cute Stamps Monster Mash

Just a quick post today.
I have recently been smitten with the images at
Heidi has drawn up some of the most adorable images ever,
in both rubber and digital!

How unbelievably flippin' cute huh?!
This image is called, "Monster Mash".

He even has a little tiny friend dancing with him!
I colored his horns like candy corns with the intention
of making a Hallowe'en card with this image.
I decided it was too cute to hold onto for that long,
so I scrapped the Hallowe'en theme and made it summery instead.

Drop by 2Cute Rubber Stamps and check out all the cuteness!

Friday, July 8, 2011

New Glow Skullz and Hallowe'en ornaments at Etsy

Just wanted to pop in for a minute and let
you all know that I have just listed some new
Glow Skullz in my Etsy shoppe.

These are a Hallowe'en mix.

The are cool, new black skullz with neon eyes.

I also listed a bunch of Hallowe'en ornaments.

Glow in the dark ghost ornaments.

Glow in the dark candy corn ornaments.

And even a few new Hallowe'en sculptures made it into
the shop as well.

Stop by my Etsy shop and check out the newest goodies from

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Creepy Cute Wicked Wednesday

Today I have a Macabre Monday/Wicked Wednesday
Bugaboo offering for you.
I went the way of the creepy cute as I needed a
card to fit a little girl who may or may not like creepy.

This little cutie is from the "Skelekinz" line from Bugaboo Stamps.  

The challenge at Haunted Design House is to create a long
project with long elements.
I used an opalescent thread to tether each of the skull balloons
to the card. I also used long, rectangles as my card and image bases.

There is still plenty of time to play along with us at HDH,
for the "Xtremely Xhaustive" challenge. 

I am loving these balloons!!!

I also would like to enter this card in the
"Anything Goes" challenge this week at

Happy Hump Day!