Current Design Teams

Monday, August 30, 2010

HDH054 Creepy Cute

This week's Macabre Monday challenge is Creepy Cute.
I'm usually pretty good at "creepin'" out cute images, but decided to play it kinda safe with this card.
This week's sponsor is the uber fab Tiddly Inks!
I guess I am a bit of a purist when it comes to these images and I can't bring myself
to alter them very much.
I used the Twisted Tree(s) and the "Pinky" image.
I even broke out with the Doodlebugg glitters for her fancy dress and the cupcake.
Not to mention the pretty pink bling (just for you "E") flourishes.
I also tried out another hair coloring technique with the shiny highlight effect.
Need way more practice, but it's nice to have options. There is a great tutorial on TGF
for coloring curly hair if you're interested. 
I guess I kept this more cute than creepy, which doesn't happen all that often.
I hope they don't pull my creepy card for this!

Please join us this week at Haunted Design House and creep out
something cute!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

How about a nice Halloween punch?

Don't hate me because I have new punches...
or because I have this really warm and fluffy spider web throw,
or this really cool drapery panel.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Kenny K sketch challenge

Here is my entry for this week's Kenny K challenge.
She was one of the first Kenny K images that  I purchased, and this is the first  time
I have colored her up.
I guess I am still in a residual pink haze, but I like pink.
There, I said it. Whatcha gonna do? Pull my creepy card?
I did get to make good use of the drippy goo punch and make a girly card
at the same time.
I dig it and I hope it is randomly drawn for some free digis!  

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Please stand by…

I am still experiencing technical difficulties.
But in my down time I have managed to pick up a few new Halloween goodies.
It’s a sickness.
I didn't even hesitate when I saw thee Creepy sign at Mike's for $6.99.
Into the cart you go! 
I saw this guy on a Halloween blog,(but I can’t remember what the name is) but it was the Frankenstein one (in the box).
I loves me some Punkinhead, so I had to get him as well.
I collect Dunnys which are mass produced, blind box vinyl toys that are painted by pop artists.
I find them to be an affordable way to collect the art of the artists I admire.
The Dunnys come to the artist blank, like this Punkinhead. I am so excited to paint these guys and make them original pieces of art.   
Mike’s $3.99
014 015
The Vampire bust is very cool and small (maybe 6 inches, sorry fellas), but for $1.99 at Mike’s who’s complaining?
The handsome devil on the right is Eyegore. He holds candy in his head. Really now, don’t we all?
$12.99 at Ross. I am a frequent Ross and Marshall’s shopper this time of year especially. I love getting the higher end Halloween decorations for a fraction of the original price.  
Lastly, here is a picture of my other son.
His name is Chubbs Magnus, also known as
Chubby Chubby Ting Ting (sung to the tune of “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang”), or Chubby, or ChubChub, or TingTing.
He’s a big fluffy boy who likes to make sure he gets at least one hair in every project I make.
He has decided this is where he sleeps now.
How nice for him.  

Monday, August 23, 2010

Tickled Pink on the brink…


I have finally found a way to upload my pictures onto Blogger! Thanks to a helpful person (not a staff member) on Blogger, I can now participate in the wonderful world of blogging again!

I just need to figure out how to use Windows Live Writer.


This is Lilith, from Tickled Pink Stamps, who also happens to be this week’s sponsor for HDH’s Macabre Monday.


This is my new EK Success spider web punch.

LOVE it!


And finally, leave it Lilith to let you know exactly what she is thinking.


Hope you will play along with us this week at Haunted Design House’s Macabre Monday challenge:

Pink on the Brink   

Friday, August 20, 2010

Fiendishly Fun Friday

It's no secret that I am a worshipper of the Kitty.
I have a Hello Kitty tattoo myself, but nothing as cool as this one.
I really like this one. Must be the zombie theme.

Just to prove that I will draw the line somewhere...
I am just guessing that this is either in Japan somewhere, or a gay man
lives in this somewhere in Palm Springs. 

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Here is this week's challenge card for TBD
It is based on a paragraph from the poem by Tim Burton.
It reads:
"He likes to experiment on his dog Abercrombie,
In hopes of creating a horrible zombie.
So he and his horrible zombie dog,
Can go searching for victims in the London fog."

Great little film, and a great source of inspiration.

My computer is in the shop, so my posts are going to be short and sporadic until I get it back.
Bear with me please. 

Monday, August 16, 2010

HDH052 Happy Macabre Monday to You!

Happy Birthday Macabre Monday!!!
This marks the 52nd posting for Haunted Design House's Macabre Monday challenge!
Thank you Barb, for creating a fun and Halloweenie place to visit and be challenged creatively.
I love it here!!!

Due to this auspicious event, Stamp it Crazy is sponsoring this week's challenge.
Use at least three stamped images (not necessarily SIC stamps) on your project.
No other theme, just lots of stamped or digital images.
Easy enough?
This week's winners, I did say winners will receive a lovely prize package, but ya gotta work for it.
Each of the Macabre Minions will be posting a little factoid about themselves on their blog, and it's up to you to gather them all and then email Barb with your answers. Check out HDH for more details.

And finally, my card.
Now technically, there are three stamped images as I stamped the fence twice.
I just couldn't bring myself to add a sentiment or anything else. I have a tendency to add too much sometimes, so I decided to stick with "less is more".

I colored the rhinestones to match my project.
Man, I love my Copics.

This is the first time I have used this image from Stamp it Crazy, but not the last time.
She is so cool! Very regal or just kinda Victorian.
Either way, a very versatile stamp.

Okay, my obscure factoid is, 
I used to cut school to go to the Tower of Records (the original)
and get rock bands to sign my posters of them. Now, some 22 years later, I have signed posters from Quiet Riot, Queensryche, Motley Crue, Exciter, Megadeth, and W.A.S.P..
Who? Yea, I know, I shoulda stayed in school.   

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sassy? Me?!

Wow. When it rains, it pours.
I think I am starting to really understand the true meaning of that adage.
I have suddenly become to freakin' busy that I just can't keep track of all of my
good fortune and opportunities lately.
That's another post.
But, this morning I checked my email and received the wonderful honor of
being Sassy Studio Designs', "Sassy Saturday Sistah"!

I am being featured for the Hippie Birthday card I made last month
for my MIL.

What a nice way to start my day.
Thanks so much for the compliment.

Now I'm off to spread the love with the Simply Betty blog hoppers!
Check them out if you haven't already.

Simply Betty Back to School Emos Release Hop (whew! that was a mouthful)

It's that time of year again when stay at home moms rejoice, and
send their kiddos off to school after what seems like an eternity of a
summer vacation.
Well that, and Simply Betty Stamps is releasing a new set of Emo kids images
with a fun back to school theme!

If you have arrived from Debbie's blog then you are on the right path.
If not, you might want to start at the beginning of the hop at the SBS blog.
There are prizes to be won and she has all the details for you there.

I am really diggin' these new images. Very cute and fun and versatile.
First up is my favorite from this release, Miller.
The look on his face is great!
I'm sure my son will be making a similar face on the first day
of middle school next week.
So much fun to color!
I really didn't want to distract from the image too much so I left the card
a bit sparse in the embellishment department.
Besides, I didn't want to cover up that cool DP from Making Memories.

Next we have the lovely bubbly, Rio.
 I flipped her digitally so she is going in the other direction.
I had another idea for this image, but changed gears and came up with this.
I just can't stress how much fun these kids are to color!
I decided to keep the hair colors fun and unconventional.
They are Emo kids after all.

Lastly, we have the brooding and cool, Christian.
I really like his blue hair. I wish I had blue hair.
Well, not like little old lady blue hair, but cool blue like Christian.

That's it for me!
Next up on the hop is the uber talented, Jen with something stunning, I'm sure.

Leave comments along the way to win some of the new images, and stop by
the Simply Betty blog and website for all the details and coupon codes for all 
the great sales she is having right now! 

Friday, August 13, 2010

Happy Friday the 13th to you!

First off, is this creepy clown photo.
It actually looks like that kid is going to take the candy from the maniacal Mr. Tinkles.

Now I know this is a photo-shopped version of some one's cat
and a Santa photo, but the look on that kid's face makes this
little scenario slightly plausible.
I'd have it framed and set it out for the holidays.

This one is effed up on many levels.
First off, it looks like a left over prop for
"The Human Centipede".
Not right at all.
And secondly, it roams the yard at night in search of frogs and small rodents to
torture and devour.

And lastly, I give you what I like to call, 
"Maternal Extinct".

Keep it Creepy!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Happy Birthday to my spawn

Today is my son's 11th birthday. Where has the time gone? One day they are this tiny little lump of life, and then they grow into this huge, smelly, garbage disposal of a smart mouth kid!
I got this digital image from Mo Manning.
At the time I purchased this, my son was on the Play Station constantly.
Then we got the laptop fixed...
Now I need a Sims image.
Still kinda looks like him (my son), and it has the same distant, "You're in my way, Mom. Can't see the screen", look that my son has periodically.
I purposely stand in front of the TV just to jerk his chain.
That's why I had a kid.
So I could mess with him and tell him fantastical tales of horrible untruths.
I've only been at it for 11 years, and I still have so much more
damage to do!
No, I love my boy, and I am fiercely protective of him.
He's the coolest kid I know and he is so bleepin' funny sometimes it's hard to 
remember he's only 11 years old.

Happy day Boo-bee.
Love Mom 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Animal Crackers!

Hambo is at it again!
They have created some of the most fun images that all go so well together.
I have used a bunch of their animal stamps for this card.
I've incorporated their giraffe, owl, chick tower, and party sheep images for this card.
So much fun to color and play around with!
I wanted to add more of their crazy animals, but ran outta room!
This is one of their new sentiments and it kills me!
I just love this kind of humor!

Hambo is having quite a sale on May Arts ribbon. I just stocked up myself.
I got 5 yards of this delicious grosgrain ribbon in 6 colors (they have more) for $1each!
That's 50% off!
Did you know that you can color the white (or lighter colors) with your Copics to match your projects?
Just a tip if you haven't tried it yet.
Stop by Hambo, check out the ribbon, and also take a look at all of their new and old (sale and retiring pages too!) stamps and digis.
You can thank me later. 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

TBD#15 What's your favorite Burton film?

"Frankenweenie" from 1984
is my all time favorite Tim Burton film.
If you are not familiar with this little gem, you simply must
get over to YouTube and check it out.
It's only like 30 minutes long, and well worth the watch.
This week's sponsor at TBD is Tickled Pink Stamps.
I chose to use 'Lilith' from their Lil' Lolitas line of images.
Isn't she simply droll?
I just love her bored expression.

Play along with the Dolls this week
 showing us which Burton film is your favorite and have a chance to win either
50's Lilith, or 80's Sookie, from Tickled Pink stamps.

Kinda short today.
I have a hot date with the poor sap who married me.
14 years married and 23 years together.
Some people are just gluttons for punishment.
He loves me, despite me, and that is a pretty tall order.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

First Birthday Freebies

Teri, at Delicious Doodles is having a  first birthday bash
to celebrate her DD digital image store.
Every day from August  15th thru the 21st she will be giving away a free image on her site.
She has some beautiful flower images and some really cute animals too.
I even found (via Lynx) a killer gargoyle and headstone that she drew!
Check out her site and grab a free image while you are there. 

Friday, August 6, 2010

Miss Fortune, such a naughty girl

Kenny K has released some digital images called Gothik Angelz.
Can we all say amazing?!
These are right up my alley-hole.
This is Miss Fortune.
I decided to use her to enter the challenge at Kenny K's Krafty Girlz blog.
The theme is, 'On the Darkside'.
I think I've got that handled.
I added purple wings on her to really send her to the darkside.
I'm still working on my blond coloring, but with the added bling, I think it works.
Still managed to work in a few GlowSkullz for good, creepy measure.

This is the card I am giving my husband for our Anniversary next week.
We are celebrating 14 years of marriage and 23 years together.
Total high school sweethearts. Awwwwww.....
No one is more surprised than both of us that we are still together after all these years.

I ama also taking the easy way out and submitting this
card for my Macabre Monday challenge of "Netherworld Nymphs".
 Hugs from the creepy chick.