Current Design Teams

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Simply Betty Back to School Emos Release Hop (whew! that was a mouthful)

It's that time of year again when stay at home moms rejoice, and
send their kiddos off to school after what seems like an eternity of a
summer vacation.
Well that, and Simply Betty Stamps is releasing a new set of Emo kids images
with a fun back to school theme!

If you have arrived from Debbie's blog then you are on the right path.
If not, you might want to start at the beginning of the hop at the SBS blog.
There are prizes to be won and she has all the details for you there.

I am really diggin' these new images. Very cute and fun and versatile.
First up is my favorite from this release, Miller.
The look on his face is great!
I'm sure my son will be making a similar face on the first day
of middle school next week.
So much fun to color!
I really didn't want to distract from the image too much so I left the card
a bit sparse in the embellishment department.
Besides, I didn't want to cover up that cool DP from Making Memories.

Next we have the lovely bubbly, Rio.
 I flipped her digitally so she is going in the other direction.
I had another idea for this image, but changed gears and came up with this.
I just can't stress how much fun these kids are to color!
I decided to keep the hair colors fun and unconventional.
They are Emo kids after all.

Lastly, we have the brooding and cool, Christian.
I really like his blue hair. I wish I had blue hair.
Well, not like little old lady blue hair, but cool blue like Christian.

That's it for me!
Next up on the hop is the uber talented, Jen with something stunning, I'm sure.

Leave comments along the way to win some of the new images, and stop by
the Simply Betty blog and website for all the details and coupon codes for all 
the great sales she is having right now! 


  1. LOVE your cards! I really like the blue hair, and the DP you used on your first card. Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. what a cool cards, i hope to win some stamps because my stampcollection is only cute
    and i have so many children in the age of 16........and they are great for that age

  3. WOWIE! Those are awesome!!! I love the soft pink hair on Rio! You always do such an amazing job on the Emo's hairs!!!


  4. HOW DO YOU DO IT?! You have some killer mojo! Each of these is just as cuteas teh last! I am head over heels for all that pink on Rio, she is just so SWEET!

  5. wow what an grazy cards
    i just can't stop loving them
    thanks for sharing hun
    hugs angelique

  6. Hll absolutely brilliant cards, loving the background. Our kids here don't go back for another two weeks yikes hehe x

  7. LOVE all of these Glo - each one is soo different and sooo fabulous! Totally too cool for school!

  8. Outstanding! I love them all! Great color choices and DP!

  9. Great cards! I love all the wonderful inspiration, here! The pink Rio is my favorite!

  10. Love your blog! Aren't these kids fun?! Love what you did and your paper choices. tfs

  11. HOLY COW...ALL YOUR CARDS ARE STUNNING. I love the one with Miller and the DP you used behind him. I am so scraplifing that...makes him POP!

  12. These are so cute! I really like this new releases-some of my fave SB stamps so far!

  13. Great cards! Love the pink one!


  14. i love the DP on all these cards..adn how do you make the bubble look so real..?


  15. WOW! These are great. I love your coloring! I think the notepaper background is over the top. I love the bling you used on the cards too.

  16. Awesome cards, I can totally tell each kids personality from them! You have amazing coloring and design skills!

  17. All your cards are great, but I really like Rio. I'm just drawn to her! I must go and purchase her!

  18. Super cute and fun! Love love love the argyle! I am so drawn to Rio too!

  19. All of these are wonderful. Love that doodle paper.

  20. great cards and I really like the first one looking like it was all done on notepaper

  21. Wow! These are fantatic! Great coloring!

  22. i love the cards, but more enjoy seeing the different perspectives you and your group take on each character. the changes are spectacular!!

  23. Das sind tolle Karten geworden.Die Motive gefallen mir sehr.

  24. I have blue hair. Hee hee. I'm digging those Emos, and I love the way you colored that bubble. Awesome!

  25. Ok so I just posted to the wrong post I think but you get my drift. hee hee

  26. LOL... "Well, not like little old lady blue hair"... I'm not sayin' nothin' :)

    Great work as always, my minion!! And I do love the fun hair colors... ahhh to be young... with blue hair :)


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