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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

TBD#15 What's your favorite Burton film?

"Frankenweenie" from 1984
is my all time favorite Tim Burton film.
If you are not familiar with this little gem, you simply must
get over to YouTube and check it out.
It's only like 30 minutes long, and well worth the watch.
This week's sponsor at TBD is Tickled Pink Stamps.
I chose to use 'Lilith' from their Lil' Lolitas line of images.
Isn't she simply droll?
I just love her bored expression.

Play along with the Dolls this week
 showing us which Burton film is your favorite and have a chance to win either
50's Lilith, or 80's Sookie, from Tickled Pink stamps.

Kinda short today.
I have a hot date with the poor sap who married me.
14 years married and 23 years together.
Some people are just gluttons for punishment.
He loves me, despite me, and that is a pretty tall order.


  1. Absolutely brilliant card, wow 14/23 years that is great. Favourite Burton film hmmm would have to think about that one. Will defo check out Frankenweenie, Andrea x

  2. this card is FAB !!!! its hard to choose a favourite burton film there all fab. enjoy your anniversary xxx

  3. I love this Lolita too! I am sad to say I have not seen the TB Flick...OMG what have I been missing!!!

    Congrats on 14 years, I celebrate 14 next month!

  4. WooHoo! Gotta go check out Frankenweenie! LOVE your card! I've got a little date with my guy myself today. :D Have fun! xxD

  5. Awww. Congrats! I use your line "he loves me despite me" all the time. Much love to you both, and have an awesome day. Card rocks too!!!

  6. Fantastic job girlfriend! Great card - I love how you colored her hair.

  7. This is Fantastic! I will definitely have to check out Frakenweenie - I can't believe I missed it! My DH and I kind of have a thing for Tim Burton movies. At different times I will tell you a different one is my fave, but lately I am loving Sweeney Todd (mostly because Johnny Depp sounds like David Bowie and I lurvs me some David Bowie!) Ok, totally off track! Super Congrats on the 14/23! :-)Traci

  8. Happy belated Anniversary! Poor sucker is right :) Just kidding ;)

    LOVE the card... especially in pink! That puppy is so cute... and no, I haven't seen the movie yet!


Feel free to comment or just vent.