Current Design Teams

Monday, August 30, 2010

HDH054 Creepy Cute

This week's Macabre Monday challenge is Creepy Cute.
I'm usually pretty good at "creepin'" out cute images, but decided to play it kinda safe with this card.
This week's sponsor is the uber fab Tiddly Inks!
I guess I am a bit of a purist when it comes to these images and I can't bring myself
to alter them very much.
I used the Twisted Tree(s) and the "Pinky" image.
I even broke out with the Doodlebugg glitters for her fancy dress and the cupcake.
Not to mention the pretty pink bling (just for you "E") flourishes.
I also tried out another hair coloring technique with the shiny highlight effect.
Need way more practice, but it's nice to have options. There is a great tutorial on TGF
for coloring curly hair if you're interested. 
I guess I kept this more cute than creepy, which doesn't happen all that often.
I hope they don't pull my creepy card for this!

Please join us this week at Haunted Design House and creep out
something cute!!


  1. I think it fits the bill perfectly. It is super cute and a little bit creepy. The colouring is just totally amazing and the trees are fantastic. x

  2. I love this, hehehe, cute on the dark side is always good in my book. And thanks for letting me know about the tutorial for colouring curly hair, I've been having trouble with that recently so I'm off to have a look :D

  3. Looks awesome! I'm loving those twisted trees!

  4. OMG WHAT ABOUT THIS I DON'T LOVE?!!! Oh and thanks for the special tribute! hee hee Love the pink swirls and funny before I even got to that part of your email, I had already squealed in delight about the flourishes. LOL! I know what you mean about altering her images tho. Freakin love this card and I think you did a fab job of her hair! If you have a link for that, can you send it ova? Great job with the trees too. I like that you colored them pink & purple and I am soooo going to try that now.

  5. Ooh, I love this creepy/cute card! I was just having a convo today about how Creepy/Cute is my favorite! your coloring is wonderful and I love the splashes of pink! :-)Traci

  6. I bought her sooo long ago and don't get to use these cuties anywhere near as much as I'd like to! You did an AMAZING job on her!


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