Current Design Teams

Friday, October 25, 2019

Brewing up some Trouble

Look who's back again!!
I was invited to be a guest designer for 
Creepy Cute Chronicles new image release today.

I have to admit that signing up for the
Creepy Cute Chronicles Exclusive membership was the best
$15 I have ever spent. Well worth the price of admission, folks!
If you haven't heard of it, you really must check out the details here.

The weekly chronicles freebie this week is this fabulous Mer-Witch.
She is quite the stunner!!  

I had to color her up with Copics, as its my chosen medium to color with.
I tried to stay away from my standard orange, lime green, purple, and black
color scheme, but failed. I just don't see Halloween in any other colors.  

I also don't usually "do" scenes, but this little lady was just too
perfect to fussy cut out of her underwater lair. She comes in a set of
images which you can arrange any way you'd like, or use her already in
the scene as shown. She comes with lots of accessories and even a friend.   

I am still on my Nuvo drops kick. I used the green translucent drops
for her potion bubbles. And some White Blizzard glitter drops for some
underwater bubbles. I love these drops!

 Lastly, I mounted the colored panel onto some black card stock
and added a sentiment from my Halloween sentiment collection. 
I actually have an entire binder full of just Halloween words.
It's a sickness, but one I don't mind suffering from.

Thanks so much for stopping by today!
Have a great weekend!!! 
And don't forget to stop by the Oddball Art Stamps website and
get signed up for the CCC and even go for it and sign up for the 
Exclusive Membership as well. All the cool kids are doing it!! 

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Where's my Witches at?!

Back real quick with another Halloween make using another
Oddball image. Well, actually multiple images.

I love this kitty image that Lizzy drew to help heal 
from the passing of her own sweet kitty.
I fussy cut the kitty after coloring her in with Copics,
and popped her on top of the headstone.

I am also a sucker for witchy things, so this hat was a must for this card. 

I used an acetate ghost, with some TH Halloween words, a punched bat border, 
and the finishing touch of Nuvo drops to bring this card together. 

I was going for the familiar waiting for her witch, kind of vibe here.

I'd also like to enter this card in current challenge at 


Oddball Halloween Trick or Treat

I've been busy with the chaos of life, but managed to find the time
to get some coloring done.
I was inspired by this Oddball Art Stamp, and then just went with it,
and actually produced a card for Halloween.
This adorable little rotten elephant is from the October Monthly Exclusive set.
All the more reason for you to pop for the $15 to join the member's club.  

I colored him using Copic Warm Grays, and added pops of Halloween type colors.

I managed to work in a cupcake liner and an old Glow Skull from back in the day. 
I finally figured out that if you cut into the cupcake liner like fringe, it will lay
flat. I've been struggling for far too long on that issue.

I also used some seriously vintage paper and adhesive border from my ridiculously
overstocked Halloween stash. And my new thing is to add Nuvo drops to everything.
I added the drops in White Blizzard, but they turned turquoise on the black liner. 
I like it. 

Thanks for stopping by today.

I'd like to enter this card in the current challenge at 

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Colorful Ghosties

Has hell completely frozen over?!
Is it raining frogs?!
Something is definitely in the air, since this is my second post
in a week, for the first time in what seems like years.
I am thrilled to be working with another Oddball Art Stamp image today.

I started off by printing the ghosties from the 
onto some watercolor card stock.

Since it's been so long since I've colored anything, some of my Copics are
trying to dry out. I thought I'd check my even more neglected Zig watercolor markers,
and lo' and behold, they're still just as juicy as the day I bought them!

So, water color the ghosties, I did!

After my rudimentary attempt at water coloring, I decided to color
in the background using a black Copic marker. No way was I going to risk
ruining everything at this point by trying to watercolor in between the ghosties. 

These little guys really pop against the black background! 
I love it!!

Since this image is actually background paper, I decided to keep the entire
panel as my focal point. Too pretty and cute to cover it up.

I popped the image onto some linen textured lime green card stock, and
mounted it onto a simple black card.

I found the perfect sentiment from a retired Kraftin' Kimmie 
rubber stamp set, and stamped it onto vellum to keep the ghostly feel.

Thanks for stopping by today!!
Happy Halloween!!!  

Friday, October 4, 2019

Remember me?!

Long time no see, huh?
The last couple of years have really screwed up my crafting and creating.
And then it seems like the more I want to get back to creating, the more
shit life throws at me.
I received an invite from Lizzy at Oddball Art Stamps to play along 
this week using the new Poison Posies image she created using 
my idea from a past facebook poll on her fb page.
This was just the kick in the tush I needed to get my Copics out and start
coloring my life again!!

This image is so much more than I had hoped for!!
So pretty, and wonderfully weird, and creepy, all at the same time.
Win, win, win!

I used the image with the blank banner so I could add my own
words. Which I instantly regretted after seeing my finished scribblings.
I was hoping for some beautiful script to fall out of my pen, but that 
takes practice, which I haven't been doing. 

Ultimately, I am thrilled with this card and how it turned out.
Considering I haven't been crafting much, this doesn't suck at all.
Well, except for the hand lettering...
I added a die cut I have had for years, but never used until now. 
I think it works, along with some black Nuvo drops.
Luckily, my niece is a creeper just like her Aunt, 
and she will love this card for her birthday.   
FYI: This image is for tonight's Creepy Cute Chronicles freebie image.
Have you signed up yet? 
If you haven't, you are really missing out!!