Current Design Teams

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Where's my Witches at?!

Back real quick with another Halloween make using another
Oddball image. Well, actually multiple images.

I love this kitty image that Lizzy drew to help heal 
from the passing of her own sweet kitty.
I fussy cut the kitty after coloring her in with Copics,
and popped her on top of the headstone.

I am also a sucker for witchy things, so this hat was a must for this card. 

I used an acetate ghost, with some TH Halloween words, a punched bat border, 
and the finishing touch of Nuvo drops to bring this card together. 

I was going for the familiar waiting for her witch, kind of vibe here.

I'd also like to enter this card in current challenge at 


1 comment:

  1. What a fabulous card. Love the scene you have created. Thanks for playing along with us this month at Oddball Art Stamps Challenge. AJ DT OASC


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