Current Design Teams

Friday, October 4, 2019

Remember me?!

Long time no see, huh?
The last couple of years have really screwed up my crafting and creating.
And then it seems like the more I want to get back to creating, the more
shit life throws at me.
I received an invite from Lizzy at Oddball Art Stamps to play along 
this week using the new Poison Posies image she created using 
my idea from a past facebook poll on her fb page.
This was just the kick in the tush I needed to get my Copics out and start
coloring my life again!!

This image is so much more than I had hoped for!!
So pretty, and wonderfully weird, and creepy, all at the same time.
Win, win, win!

I used the image with the blank banner so I could add my own
words. Which I instantly regretted after seeing my finished scribblings.
I was hoping for some beautiful script to fall out of my pen, but that 
takes practice, which I haven't been doing. 

Ultimately, I am thrilled with this card and how it turned out.
Considering I haven't been crafting much, this doesn't suck at all.
Well, except for the hand lettering...
I added a die cut I have had for years, but never used until now. 
I think it works, along with some black Nuvo drops.
Luckily, my niece is a creeper just like her Aunt, 
and she will love this card for her birthday.   
FYI: This image is for tonight's Creepy Cute Chronicles freebie image.
Have you signed up yet? 
If you haven't, you are really missing out!!

1 comment:

  1. oh your niece is going to love it im sure! Thank you so much for joining us this week, I absolutely LOVE your gorgeous card!


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