Current Design Teams

Friday, June 9, 2017

Aurora Wings new release

No, I didn't actually fall off the face of the earth.
I have been tending to my new ailment; carpal tunnel syndrome.
Kind of an artist's worst nightmare, not to mention a frequent crafter's
worst worst nightmare as well. 
I love my new job where I work with small hand tools and 
use my very own high powered microscope. The down side is that my
awesome new job has caused a possibly preexisting condition to rear it's
fugly head and leave me in pain and frustration.
BUT, I put my big girl panties on and keep on truckin'.
Coloring and creating just takes me even longer than usual and has forced me to
work on my very poor time management skills. 
I honestly just wanted to cry (and I did) when I got diagnosed, but life goes on.
And I know so many have so much worse to deal with, so no whining here.
Onward and upward.

Mitzi has come out with some incredible new images, and I just couldn't resist 
giving the adorable little Lupine Sprite a new paint job.

Such a sweetie!
I went with my usual vibrant color scheme, and even added some polka dots
to her little face for more interest. I usually don't deviate from Mitzi's original
images, but felt like being a rebel this time out.
I added some Rock Candy distress glitter to her petals, but am not loving
how it came out. Stickles may have been a better choice for this application,
but still overall pretty pleased with myself on this card.

I always need "Thinking of You" cards for friends and family, so this
one is perfect for my stash of cards. 

Be sure to take advantage of the generous offer Mitzi has for this release.
Check out the newbies and all the other fabulous images at the
Aurora Wings Digi Shop.
And if you're looking for some inspiration, check out the incredible
inspiration samples the Aurora Wings DTs have created here.

Thanks for stopping by today!! 


  1. I love your creation...what amazing colours and fantastic colouring. Love it Gloria.

  2. Bummer about the carpal tunnel, Glo! Hope you can find some relief for that. Doesn't seem to have adversely affected your gorgeous coloring and design skills, though. LOVE your bold colors. They really POP with the black accents, lovely layering and pretty details. Fabulous! xxD

  3. Glo, thank you again for helping me with today's huge new release showcase despite your CTS. I love your take on this Sprite, with vibrant colors and adorable dots on her face! I've noticed how you add a wider black outline to the cut-out figure on your projects and it looks great no matter what the background may be. Black accents in both the floral paper and embellishments look sharp and crisp. Thank you so much for helping me out with today's showcase! Mitzi xxx

  4. Awesome colouring Gloria. So sorry to hear about your CTS :-( That is such a bummer. I had it so bad a few years ago and had both hands operated on. Glorious relief for a long time but it's back now :-( Did they give you any wrist supports - they do help xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  5. Oh no! I'd have cried too ... and chucked those damned Big Girl Panties at the wall in a fit. :(

  6. Beautifully coloured and a fab card xx Jan


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