Current Design Teams

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

SDC271 - Bling it On!!

Here is my make for the current challenge at 
The theme is 'Bling it On!'
I didn't think it was going to be too hard, but found myself
struggling to add bling to my original idea. 

This is #6049 'Marci'. She is quite awesome.
I coupled her up with the #3083 'Brolly' stamp, and a fitting saying
The whole card kind of reminds me of Wednesday Addams taking a stroll in the
pale moonlight with her parasol and bat friends. 

I used a background I made using Lindy's Stamp Gang sprays.
I love the sprays, along with the line of Magicals and their embossing powders.
The bling consists mainly of silver Stickles and some Gelli Roll stardust pen.

Super fun to make and perfect for the Goth or Darkling of your choice.

Thanks for stopping by.
Check out the other DT samples and inspiration at 


  1. I love it! I must have that phrase cube! I love that sentiment.

  2. Hahaha - AWESOME :-D This make me chuckle.... a fabulous creation and I love that sentiment hee hee xxxx


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