Current Design Teams

Monday, June 20, 2016

Aurora Wings B+W+ One Color

The new challenge at Aurora Wings begins today.
The new theme is 
Black, White, and One Color.   

I struggled a bit at first because I always think of vibrant colors when 
I think of Aurora Wings images. I ended up going with a color I don't
always use and picked my Blue Violet Copics as my color choice.
I typically reach for Yellow Greens, Violets, and Red Voilets, so this
was a nice departure for me.     

I chose to work with a cropped version of 
Crimson Wings. I love this image, but found it a bit
intimidating with all of her beautiful details. I find a cropped
version to be less intimidating and less difficult to work
into a card design. I usually print out my images quite large (4" x 6")
so I can see them and work with them easier. Then I have a hard time 
making a card smaller than 5" x 7". I'm sure I make it way more 
complicated than it actually is, but I am very happy with how the
cropped versions are working for me. Just another perk to using digi
images. Such versatility in sizing and cropping. 

Once I had chosen my one color, I used my Neutral Grays to 
color in the hair and shade the skin tones. Then, I had to come up
with a complimentary paper. Yikes! I lucked out and pulled out
an older paper pad from Me and My Big Ideas of black and white papers.
I colored the mainly gray scale background paper using BV Copics 
to make it all cohesive. I popped some rarely used Dark Blue Stickles
into the middle of the flowers to add some bling. I have to have some bling
ya know. Then I watched three different You Tube videos on how to use my
Bow Easy before I mastered that bow. Geesh! I feel so dense and 'sausage-fingery'
sometimes! But in the end I persevered and a little bow was born. 

Be sure to pop over to the AW challenge blog and see how the other talented
DT members interpreted this fun and inspiring challenge.      


  1. Love how you've cropped Crimson Wings and the colors you chose, Glo. Amazing that you colored the background to match and I love the added bling. Gotta say, "Bow Easy" is a misnomer for sure! I usually exhaust my swear words before accomplishing a bow with that thing. Fabulous work! xxD

  2. I LOVE this card from you, Glo! The mesmerizing visual effect you've achieved with the background paper works so well with the cropped image with the eyes left uncolored. I do get the impresison of poppies from the design of the paper, which is a perfect match to the poppies in her hair. I'm also getting the delightfully dark, magickal vibe from your card - totally bewitching! Thank you so much for a stunning inspiration for our latest challenge at Aurora Wings. Mitzi xxx

  3. That's just beautiful, Glo! I love the gloomy colours!


  4. Stunning Gloria, that background really is awesome and fits the image perfectly x

  5. What a stunning project Glo. Love your attention to detail and that paper is just perfect xx Jan


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