Current Design Teams

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

And then the jelly fish said....

I have been dying to play along with one of the 
Lawnscaping challenges. I love the themes and I have had some 
Lawn Fawn stamps on my wish list for ages now.
I finally grabbed a couple of them, the jelly fish set being one of them.
I also go the jack-a-lope, but I'll save him for another time.
The current theme for Lawnscaping is 'Off Kilter!'.
I have always considered myself to be a bit off kilter anyway, 
but they want to see one or more elements set at an angle.

So, this is what I can up with.
Now, the jellies are adorable all by themselves, but I 
wanted to convey a bit of my 'off kilter' personality as well.
Hence, the silly sentiment.
I colored the jellies with Copics, and added some Stickles to the coral
printed on the designer paper from Kaiser Craft. I printed the sentiment
out myself onto some sparkly paper and shazam! We're done! 
This is going out in the mail today for my FIL for Father's Day.
He'll get a kick out of it, I'm sure.  

I'd like to enter this card in the following challenges:
Lawnscaping Challenges - Off Kilter


  1. Love this! So cute and funny!

  2. OMG Glo! That's cool!!!!
    (Hugs, N!)

  3. Great colour combo and that image is super cute! Thanks for joining us at Come And Get It challenge.Neva

  4. As I told you before - this is the best Lawn Fawn card I've ever seen! I hope you'll win the challenge and I'm glad there were no jelly fishes during my Honey Moon ;)



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