Current Design Teams

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Check out my Smudgy Antics

So have you heard? Smudgy Antics is back!!!
We have a daily dose of DT inspiration for our new
Anything Goes challenge.  Pretty cool, right?
It's nice to keep the momentum going each week, throughout
the entire month of the challenge. The brilliant inspiration just never stops!

Even though I masquerade as Creepy Glowbugg, I do enjoy the
festivities of Creepmas. Especially the gift giving (and receiving).
Every year I find I am at a loss for gift tags. I don't know if maybe there
are gift tag eating rodents in the garage who dine exclusively on my
handmade tags and nothing else, but every year I have to make more tags. 
Way more tags than I have ever used in one holiday season.
I'm not really  a fan of the adhesive ones, although I usually end up using
them anyway with my constant shortage of homemade tags.

This year I have used Brass, the Steampunk Reindeer for a set of tags.
Please feel free to overlook my poor frantage application. I was hoping 
for a snowy effect, but it just kinda looks messy to me. Practice makes perfect,
but those big chunks just fly right off the paper before I can get them melted.
I even cheat and use some VersaMark to get it to stick. 

He is just too stinkin' cute, and perfect for weirdos and norms, alike!
I ran across some new punches I forgot I bought at TJ Maxx. They were 
perfect for this project. I like the peek-a-boo effect they give the tags.
And you just can't go wrong with Stickles (in Platinum and Xmas Red)
for that festive feel.  

And then I had to make some homemade specimen jar tags.
Friends and family expect nothing less from me anymore.

I put this guy together using my favorite little weird bear from the 
Candy is Dandy rubber set, the empty specimen jar digi,  
and the jar label digi. Fussy cut them out, and punched a hole
at the top.

Stamped a simple, "to: and from:" on the backs,
added some baker's twine, and viola!
I'm ready to start wrapping some gifts!
These would even be cute as ornaments on a tree,
or strung together like garland with a different specimen
in each jar. Hmmm.... I really like that idea.

Be sure to stop by the Smudgy Antics blog everyday
for a fabulous gift of inspiration. And if you're feeling creative,
add your Anything Goes (using a Smeared Ink rubber or digi image)
creation here. 



  1. Love that little reindeer - he is so sweet (and I can't do frantage well either). Great tags, I may have to go and make some myself this year too!

  2. Fabulous Tags Glo, especially love the specimen jar ones :) xx

  3. These are all wonderful, and I love the idea of a specimen jar garland - I think you may need to make even more tags this year and get them garlanded up :D


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