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Saturday, June 14, 2014

Happy Daddy Day

I am blessed to have three Dads to acknowledge on this day.

I made this card for my Dad.
I used the Time Traveller, and Simple Sayings stamps 
from Stampers Anonymous by Tim Holtz.

My Dad has really embraced the life of a widower, meaning he
has really started living the life he's always wanted. He bought a second
home in Wyoming, and he's traveling to England (for the first time) next month.
He is lonely, but he's not letting that stop him from enjoying his life.
I admire that.

Same basic card for my awesome Father-in-Law #2.
I colored the gent with Copics, and cut him out with an oval Spellbinders die.

I used a clear stamp from (the now defunct), There She Goes stamps -
Flava Sava set. I am so glad that I stocked up on the sets I had been wanting
when they announced they were closing shop.

Lastly, this one is for my FIL #1.
I was still on the Steampunk-y vibe, but since my FIL
just shaved his entire beard and moustache ensemble,
I went with a less facial hair focused card.
This little guy is from Stampotique

I used some Tim Holtz letter tiles to spell out, "Pop", which is
what my husband has always called his Dad.
Moreover, I wanted to show off my fancy schmancy double bow I made
with my new Bow-Easy template/tool. The best $5 I have ever spent! 
Works like a champ every time.

Thanks for dropping by today. 


  1. Wonderful, all three of them !

  2. I don't know where my dad is. He just kind of dropped off the face of the planet.
    I always wished I'd had a Michael-Landon-sort-of-dad instead, but I got what I got..... at least it saves me the expense of a present. Or a card. Or the cost of a phone call, so I guess it all works out in the end

  3. these are all just great. Love the images. Missing my Daddy. xxD


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