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Monday, June 16, 2014

Aurora Wings "No lines" challenge

Happy Monday, if that's possible.
I have a cool card to share with you today.
I made it for the new challenge at Aurora Wings challenge blog.
The new themes are either, "no lines coloring", or color bingo.

As you can see, I went with the "no lines coloring" option.   
I have colored with this technique a handful of times, and I still find
it quite the challenge. But I enjoy pushing my coloring abilities with
new techniques.  I think the key to "no lines", and all coloring in general,
is contrast. Make sure your images cover the spectrum of the darkest darks,
to the lightest lights, for a full dimensional feel.
Now that I see my owl up close on the monitor, I see where I need to go back
and add some white highlights to help with dimension.
I did add teal tulle behind the owl to give him some contrast from the
black diamond shape behind it. 

I broke the seal on my Graphic 45 Steampunk Spells 8 X 8 paper pack.
I've had it for months, but was never sure it fit the project I was working on.
This works, for sure. 
I colored the awesome Aurora Wings Steampunk Owl image 
using Copics in mainly E19, E09,YR08, YR07, YR04, Y38, Y35, and Y13.
I was trying to achieve a metal copper/golden appearance.   

I added the Alice's Clock corner die cut from SCACD, and highlighted it 
using Mercury Glass Stickles.  

Some dew drops in gold, with Mercury Glass Stickles added for fun
and interest.

The papers are much busier than I am used to using together on one project,
but I do like it. Maybe a black ribbon to break it up in the middle? 
I'll be here all day trying make this better. Better just leave it... for now.

Be sure to stop by the AW Challenge blog to see all the incredible art from
the talented DT, and maybe even challenge yourself with one of the themes.

I'd like to enter this card in the following challenges:


  1. Gorgeous coloring on the Steampunk Owl, Glo! I love the colorful papers you used, too. Wonderful color scheme over all. Love having you on my team!! Mitzi xx

  2. Amazing no line coloring, Glo! He looks like he's lit from beneath by a full moon. Gorgeous papers and design. Fabulous in every way! xxD

  3. Just stunning your so good at no lines hugs Sandra xx

  4. Love, Love, Love this Glo you've coloured this image beautifully and the papers and embellishments are amazing too.
    Huge Hugz, Lorraine xx

  5. Lovely card, your owl is coloured beautifully! Thanks for joining us for this week's Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!

  6. This is gorgeous!!! LOVE that owl!!! Love the orange! Just absolutely gorgeous!! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Open-Minded Crafting Fun Challenges!!! Good Luck! I hope we see you again!!

    - Susan, Co-Owner @ Open-Minded Crafting Fun Challenges
    {Scrap A Thousand Words}

  7. Oh my this is so unique...wonderful colouring with no lines!! PERFECT card for our "Things with Wings" challenge at Fussy and Fancy...that's for sharing with us!!

  8. Gorgeous Card - the owl and the G45 Papers work perfectly!

  9. What an inspiring and gorgeous creation. Love the elegant details. Thanks for playing along with us at Scrap It Girl!

  10. wow this is totally gorgeous! just adore the coloring you have done. That's one technique that I haven't tried... and not sure that I will ever be ready for... the no line just plain scares me lol

    Thanks for joining our fortnightly challenge here at Open Minded Crafting Fun Challenge. Hope you will join us next time co-owner Crafting Vicky.

  11. Wow what a truly stunning card. I love all of the deep colors. Thanks for playing along with us at Scrap It Girl.

  12. Amazing talent! Thanks for playing along at Scrap It Girl.

  13. So many amazing details on this card! Thanks for joining us over at Scrap It Girl!

  14. Wow! Your coloring and shading are amazing. Beautiful card! :) Thank you so much for joining us at Scrap It Girl! :)


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