Current Design Teams

Monday, May 26, 2014

Smeared Ink Monthly Blog Hop

My Altered project for the Monthly DT hop for
Smeared Ink.
My husband always asks me, "Why are you saving this?".
And I always tell him, "I'll know when the time is right."
After ruining my original DT project in the eleventh hour, I remembered that
I had saved this box that was perfect for altering.
The little box is an insert that fits inside of the larger box, but I didn't get
quite that far.

After a coat of black gesso, and a coat of metallic black acrylic paint,
this little box was starting to take shape.
I chose to use the Circus Procession set for this project.

I played around with this finger die cut from TH. I used some Distress Paints,
which I overheated, to create the corroded look. 

Had to add the diver. So vintage and fun.

I used the pinwheel image with a brad in the center of the cool spiral.
I also added the verbiage from the set using Gimp.  

I used my favorite crackle effect on the scroll and wave that are also
included in this awesome digi set.

That's it for me, for now.
I do plan to finish the box, but I haven't been to sleep yet, 
so I'll have to save the rest for another time.

Please join us for the hop.
Here is blogroll for your hopping convenience.  

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  1. Oh the carnival procession has never looked better to me. I love all of the elements you have combined here. The middle images are taboo.

  2. Fabulous creation you made Glo, love all the details and crackle accent is always good to use! =)
    Hugs, Elenor

  3. Very cool, Glo! when I first looked at it, I actually thought the pinwheel was dimensional. Love that carnie stuff and that corroded hand ROCKS! xxD

  4. Fantastic altered box Glo. Besides the shape it is totally unrecognizable now. Love all the textures and dimension the piece has. You totally rocked this!

  5. I love everything I see so far :). It is always a treat to visit your blog and see your makes!

  6. Marvelous - such a creative project :-) I've got loads of boxes lurking too !!! :-D LoL
    IKE xxx

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  7. Stunning Glo...I so wish I could combine things digitally insted of having to cut'n'paste everything.

  8. Here for the May Monster Madness. Lovely and inspiring what you did here.


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