Current Design Teams

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

DT New Release Hop for Smeared Ink

Yes, that's right, I have joined the ranks of the uber talented DT for 
Smeared Ink.
It's quite an honor. I look forward to working with everyone at SI.

Today is a new release blog hop featuring a set of
 horse images, like you've never seen before!

I have used the new Daemon Horse 5  for my project.
I also generated the My Little Pony Nightmare in Gimp.

I printed this handsome fellow out on kraft cardstock, and
colored him with colored pencils. No, really, I used colored pencils.
I usually prefer a more vibrantly colored image, but I do like how
I was able to blend, and use the white pencil for the highlights.
I still prefer my Copics, but wanted to try something different this time.
I glittered his mane with the original MLPs in mind. Not sure it translates
that well, but it sure is sparkly! 

And what creepy card is complete without some MS Drippy Goo punch?
I layered two shades of red, and then covered it all with Glossy Accents.
First time I ever tried doing that. It has now been added to my crafty repertoire.   

Here is the New Release Hop list, as you simply must
hop along and check out the other wicked makes for this release.

Creepy Glowbugg - that's me!


  1. HOLY SHITBALLS - THIS IS AMAZING! I'm so glad you have joined us at Smeared Ink - I've wanted you for a long time.....NOW YOU ARE MINE !!! Thank you so much for being awesome and stepping in, I'm a huge fan.

    Great job with the pencils - something I haven't dared try yet - and I love the touch of sparkle! The deamon horse looks salty-sweet....and I love the addition of the My Little Pony Nightmare! You ROCK!


  2. I HAVE to show this to my youngest ... she loves My Little Pony but I'm sure she's going to love your version more! She's a chip off the ol' block, that one. I'm so proud. LOL

  3. congrats on your new DT position - you'll rock it as normal especially if this is just a taster xxx

  4. Fabulous card you made, great take on my little pony! =)
    Wish I had that punch, can't find it anywhere, it's on my wishlist!
    Hugs, Elenor

  5. Whoa, Glo! Looks like a dream come true, to me. LOL Fabulous project! Congrats on the new DT gig. xxD

  6. Glo this is fantastic! I really love the way your mind works, I used to collect my little pony when I was little but I know I would have prefered your version :D I am so glad you have joined us at Smeared Ink xxxx

  7. Glo.... THANK YOU from the bottom of this stone I call my heart.... for joining SI DT.... and for producing this at such short notice.
    Its up to your usual high standard.... so funny... beautifully coloured with PENCILS and wonderfully layered.
    You my minion sister are a true star. love XXX

  8. Fab creation, so inspiring.

  9. congrats on the DT! you always make such fabulous things. =)

  10. AWESOME !! Just look at that beast ... he's fabulously coloured and the creations is flippin' amazing Glo. Great to hear you have joined SI.
    Superbly funny take on MLP..... laughed my socks off :-D

    IKE xxxxxxxxxxx

  11. Glo...this is amazing! Love what you did with SI digi. Great creation (as usual). Congrats on the new DT will rock it!

  12. Congrats Glo although it was inevitable that you would join their dark forces lol. Fabulous creation as always. x

  13. Ha ha ha, my grand daughter is just now getting into My Little Pony, and this just cracks me up!


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