Current Design Teams

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Skullduggery in the dungeon

I've been neglecting my blog for far too long.
I am struggling with my creativity, but I can feel a shift in the atmosphere.
A change is brewing. I can feel it.

My creativity was sparked with the recent challenge at HDH,
The Minions are looking for skulls (hence the spelling), rather than the actual 
definition of the word, skulduggery.
I decided to create my very first vertical, toilet paper tube, mini album.
I followed the tutorial found here

With skulls being the main theme, it gave me a good opportunity to
use up some of my hoarded skull stash. Like that big, metal skull, for instance.
One of the crossbones broke off of it, and I have been moving it around in my
stash for well over a year (or two). It feels good to finally use it.  

I created my own charms for the dangly bits.

Meaning, I strung them, and added the beads to the TH swivel thing. 
I think it adds a nice touch to the album, while still keeping it masculine.

Side view of the innards.
There are six, flattened, toilet paper tubes in there, 
each with it's own removable tag.
The binding hinge is really the best part of this project.
I'm sure I'll be using it again in future projects.
The video is worth watching for the hinge alone.
Super simple, but so effective. 

Here is a nice shot of the technique I used for all of the dp panels,
and the internal tp tubes. I was trying to give everything a uniform feel, 
without being too, 'matchy matchy'. After edging the panels with vintage photo
Distress ink, I used black and white Dylusions Inks and Perfect Pearls in copper.
I just splattered the inks, as opposed to spraying them. I like the dingy,  
distressed look it gives everything. Plus, a little shimmer never hurt anyone.  

Here are the tubes with their tags. I was able to use up a bunch of scrap paper,
which is always a plus. I am currently trying to figure out how to better organize
my paper scraps, so I can use them up faster. I think I should sort them into
solids and prints, and the Hallowe'en papers should have their very own bin.
I used my SU small, oval scallop punch and folded it in half,
and glued it to the top of each tag. Then, I used the SU tab punch, to add the nice
 little tab at the top.  
Overall, this was a pretty straight forward project. The tutorial was easy
to follow, I was able to use up six tp tubes, and now I have 
this nifty little (3" x 5") tag book. 

I really enjoy making books from scratch. 
I may have missed my calling as a book binder. 

 I'd like to enter this mini album in the following challenges:
 (I went with a left side, diagonal, using metal, 3D, and sparkle) 

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Wow Awesome project with many awesome details! I love it! Especially you have all sort of different skulls everywhere!! Unky from The East Wind

  2. This is an awesome project. Fantastic job and very good pictures too!

  3. Nicely done, thanks for joining FFC!

  4. WHOA, Glo! majorly cool tag book! Love the design and fab details. You ROCK! xxD

  5. ACK !!! I am totally in LUV with this little creation.... it soooooo rocks and I'm sure it will enjoy it's journey to Greece !!! LoL
    So nice to see the creative genius back again :-D
    IKE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  6. Wow! Very cool idea and aesthetically awesome!

  7. Gorgeous project! Excellent art work!
    Good luck!

  8. Absolutely brilliant love all the papers and the idea have made "normal" TR mini albumn but this is spectacular off to check out the tutorial
    Carol x

  9. DID I not comment on this? though for SURE I did! ( Probably in another venue. Too many to keep track of these days, for sure.) Love, love, LOVe this book and will certainly be checking out that video. Beyond fabulous, Glo! Your attention to detail makes this a total knockout! xxD

  10. Hi Gloria, Wowzer stunning little book love the pockets.

    Hugs Erin x

  11. This is stunning !!! Lots of wonderful elements !! Thank you so much for joining us at Jo's FFC !! I hope you join us again !!

    Mayra DTM

  12. What a fabulous little album! So many super details, like the colours, the papers and the very vintage feel. Thanks so much for playing along with The Male Room this week!

  13. Wowie this is fab, so much work has gone into it, Have book marked it to come again and perhaps have a go :) Thanks for the inspiration, fab skulls x Also thank you for joining us over at Top Tip Tuesday Challenges. Good luck, Hugs Samantha K x

  14. oh this is!!! so awesome..amazing. wonderful project and the pictures are so wonderful also. I love your labor of passion.
    susan s

  15. What a fabulous album- I love it. Thanks for joining us at Jo's for Funday Friday

  16. Great mini album - I would never have thought of using toilet paper tubes! Thank you for joining us in The Male Room.

  17. Here I am with my official hat on :-D........... Thank you very much for entering your wonderful creation in our QUOTH THE RAVEN Challenge.

    IKE xxxxxx

  18. Glo, my minion sista, this a masterpiece. Totally perfect. You have insired me to get out the loo-roll tubes. Thanks for sharing at QUOTH THE RAVEN as well. love always xxx

  19. Oh this is an awesome album!!!! I just love it! I love skeletons and crossbones.... and this is downright right up my alley!!! Beautiful work done here, love this! Thanks for joining us this week at Jo's FFC!
    ♥ 3 Twenty Crafts Online Shop ♥
    ♥ Jo's Scrap Shack ♥

  20. this totally rocks! Love it! Thanks for joining The Corrosive Challenge this fortnight, and good luck!

    DebbieM - TCC DT

  21. Whoa!!! This is SO cool!!! I just love it! Look at all those fantastic details! I am in awe! Thanks for joining us at The Corrosive Challenge and sharing this amazing masterpiece!

  22. This is an incredible creation, toilet roll albums are such fun and I really like how you have followed the theme. Thanks for joining us in The Male Room vintage challenge

    Louise xx

  23. I absolutely love this!!!! I am going ot have to have a look at that tut and give this a go! Thank you for sharing with us at Quoth the Raven xx

  24. this is fabulous! love it so much! thanks for joining in our Anniversary Event at LOC! Mo xxx

  25. WOW is all I can say Glo. This is freakin awesome. Gonna have to try one of these. xx

  26. Absolutely brilliant. Had a problem with blogger wouldn't let me sign in for weeks but fixed now. LOVE this you are so freaking talented. x

  27. Absolutely amazing! Love all the great details. You can tell a lot of work went into this.


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