Current Design Teams

Friday, December 21, 2012

Looks like the Mayans were wrong

Well, we made it! Still here!!!
I didn't put any real stock in the whole Mayan calendar thing,
but ya just never know. Stranger things have happened.
and the theme is
Last Minute Shopping.

I am not a last minute shopper, or a Black Friday shopper, or a day after
Christmas shopper. I do like to shop, but cannot stand the crowds and the
ridiculously rude and inconsiderate turds that fill the stores this time of year,
more than ever. I am not what you'd call a "people person".
All that being said, I do enjoy giving gifts and I do like them to be pretty when
they are received. Being sick for a few days put me behind in my gift wrapping duties,
so I opted to use a lot of gift bags this year to make things go a little faster.
As I said, I do like to shop, and I really love the candles at Bath and Body Works.
I stock up on their candles when they have good sales, and then I find that I have
a bunch of these cute shopping bags left over from my purchases. Usually, I just reuse them as they are for lunches, or to just carry schtuff in. They are very durable and nice little bags.  

I decided to make better use of them this year, and to decorate them for
holiday gift giving.

to turn this shopping bag into a gift bag.
Very cute and resourceful, if I do say so myself.
I got to use a embossing folder I received moons ago
from fellow EDT member, Suzi, (thanks, Suzi!) and I coupled that with some
matching snowflake ribbon to finish it off. 
One down, six more to go!

Thanks for dropping in today. I hope you stop by the
RSD Sparkle and Glitter challenge blog to see what the rest of team has been up to. 

Happy Holidaze!!!



  1. Oh I love this what a brilliant creation. Love the colours you used. I used to love Bath and Body Works things but the store near us closed :( Love Hazelxox

  2. love the bag you made, turened out very cute,
    it will make a gorgeous gift wrapping

  3. Hey chickie! How ya be? Love your bag transformation. Super cute and the coloring is beyond fab! xxD


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