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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Death's Head Hawk Moth and some Xmas left overs

Can I just say how happy I am for 2012 to end?
This year started out rather tragically, so the rest of the year was
spent trying to deal with losses and find my way back to reality.
I did manage to get my mojo back with the help of some wonderful
artists and their design teams. 
and Wicked Wednesday ATC challenge DT this year. I made new friends, and picked up some new techniques and perspectives as well.
This year was a painful one, but I have come out stronger for it.
Now, let's see what 2013 has in store for me.

Today, I have made an ATC for the WW ATC challenge of 
"skulls and skeletons".

Isn't he lovely?
I used this wonderful image from this week's sponsor,
Teri draws the most amazing and unique images!! Love that artsy wench!
I used some Distress Inks for the back ground, and then spritzed it with 
water to give it a washed look with water spots. I used a vector stamp from Stamper's Best to complete the look.
I wish I had left the skull white, or colored it in with a gel pen to make it pop.
Next time.

Now for some Xmas left overs.
I made some gift tags with Rick St. Dennis' wonderful Christmas images.

So fun and easy to color! They made perfect tags!

This one is my favorite. It is belatedly on it's way to it's
intended recipient, so just a peek for now. 

Now I have some gifts I'd like to boast about (c'mon, let's be real here).
I have relieved my husband of his gift buying duties and I think we are both much happier for it.
We've been together over 25 years, and you'd think we had just met by the gifts he has given me in the past. Don't get me wrong, he is a wonderful man who buys me flowers at least once a month for as long as we've been married (16 years). He ROCKS, and I am lucky to have him. Very lucky.
But I buy myself awesome schtuff with his money. 
He doesn't have to shop for me,
and I get exactly what want. 
Win, win!!

I love me some Frank Kozik. I love the Smorkin' Labbit graphic, so I had
to have this: 

This is what I saw first. I knew I wanted it!!!! Tee hee!

Then, I saw it was a Labbit!!!!
A 'Labbitus tigris rotundii' to be exact.

Oh yeah!!! A moustache!!! 
It was love, no matter the cost!!!  

I also purchased these (rather large) Hello Kitty head salt and pepper shakers.
Very cute, and quite substantial. Husband has banned them from the kitchen.
The toaster was a well fought battle. I love my toast with Kitty's face on it. 

This was a pleasant surprise from the father in law. Also a habitually bad gift giver in years past.
Not this year!! You really can't go wrong at the BevMo!! Nicely done, sir. Nicely done. 

I have to admit it was nice to spend the holiday with family. It was great to see all the kids growing into young adults, or just beginning elementary school. It was touching to see my Uncle Jim moving on with his
life after losing his wife earlier this year to brain cancer. He is also a brain cancer survivor. It was also difficult to witness our family patriarchs aging and becoming so small and fragile. Gotta cherish those moments though.
That's not to say that I "wasn't feelin' it" before we got there, but once the chaos began, I felt right at home.  
 The older I get, the more I cherish family. Life is short. 
Don't waste the time we have left on petty shit. 
Love them, despite them. 

Scary New Year!!


  1. Where to begin?! Your ATC is amazing. Love the moth!
    I MUST have the Labbit. Too cute. And the gift tags are beautiful. Happy New Year!

  2. Hope 2013 is an amazing one for you and yours. Brill tags and lush ATC. Cool pressies too x

  3. What a wonderful post!! I'm completely with you on gifting myself. Even my sister said this year I am too hard to buy for! What the heck is she talking about?? And your musings on family are totally right on! You rock!!


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