Current Design Teams

Friday, October 19, 2012

Virtual Zombie Walk 2012

The day has finally arrived!
Today is the day that we, zombie lovers, get to show our love for the undead.
Now I show my love of zombies as much a possible all year long, but this
is a more organized and structured event, featuring TONS of blogs to check out. 
The entire list of "walkers" will be at the end of this post.
Firstly, I am a crafter, and may even be considered an artist, if the wind blows just right.
I have handcrafted all of my Zombified offerings today.
This is a polymer clay zombie skull ornament. I have sculpted the skull from
polymer clay and then I added an acrylic wash to help bring out the details.
He is part of a set of Hallowe'en themed Creepmas ornaments I am working on.
The tombstones are also a part of that line of ornies.
They will all be available in my Etsy shop very soon.   

This little putrescent beauty is a re purposed statue I picked up
at a local thrift shop.

I completely repainted her in acrylic paints, and then worked my "Zombie Magic"
on her to bring out her undead qualities.
Her eyes have been painted with glow in the dark paint so you can
tell if she's staring at you in the dark. 

Lastly, I have made this killer Zombie Virus step card!
I've used three awesome zombie digital images from
the uber talented, Rick St. Dennis.
Today is also the "Spooky or Sweet Hallowe'en" challenge over at the

This image is called, Let's Pahrtay!
Perfect for the Zombie loving birthday boil or ghoul! 

This is the Zombie Beauty Queen image, complete with
blotchy bruising and partially skinned cranium. 

And this is your Classic Zombie.
Looks like he just stepped out of "Night of the Living Dead".  

Side view of my card. I went with a step card to accommodate all of the
images I wanted to use. I think it turned out pretty damn cool!!
Thanks for shambling by today. 
Here is the full list of participating blogs:


  1. OMG!!! I love that zombie clay ornament and I think this is my favourite of all the cards you have made. YOU ARE ON FIRE!!!!!! xx

  2. Zombies rule, but don't move to fast... great stuff you make and that lady statue is too die for... sorry about the HBA mess up, my brain isn't what it used to be... you are on the main page, not on the master list... yet!

    Jeremy [Retro]
    Oh No, Let's Go... Crazy

  3. Wowzers glo. This is awesome love the zombie scene you created. Great project!!!

  4. The ornaments are adorable - in a rotting undead kind of way!
    Gah, I always come to your blog and end up wanting everything you post haha. Damn my lack of money! Zombies don't need money...lucky them :D

    Horror Shock LoliPOP

  5. Awesome art! Those little ornies are so cool!
    I'll be sure to check out your shop!
    I'd love for you to stop by my Walk's
    Carmen Jenner Author and Book Me! for a Short Story and Character Interview! Happy Shambling! =D

  6. Ok Ok Am I suppose to go ahhh at the Zombie ornament, Hes so sweet. Love the Zombie Card too its brilliant with all the Rick Images, Love Hazelxo

  7. Love the zombie skull and tombstones! Fabulous job!

  8. Holy crap, where do I begin?!? You continue to amaze me, you must not ever sleep!!! And why am I not surprised you chose Spooky for your Rick St. Dennis challenge creation? hee hee Totally awesome! xo

  9. you are one amazing artist!!! i love all your creations!!! <3

  10. You are quite talented. I wouldn't have thought to take a statue from a thrift store and make it awesome. And the card is pretty great too. Great job. Have fun zombie walking!

  11. You know I always love your stuff! I love those new images you have been using...the card is fabulous!!! Make sure to check out my Zombie Baby too!

    Carol (Carol's Creations)

  12. Always a fan of your re-painted thrift store figurines. I've kept my eyes open for good ones, but never seem to find ones as perfect as those you manage to pick. Keep it up!

  13. Im in utter awe xx love it all. mind blowing, I so wish I could add colour like that. brilliant stuff xx

  14. You are sooooo delightfully zombishly talented!

  15. Great zombie stuff. I will check out your shop.

  16. Love this! I am in awe of your talent! I am thrilled to be working with you at S&G.

  17. Wow! You're so freakin' creative. Thanks for sharing the zombie love.
    Please Check out My Books!

  18. Its all fab, but I think I like the statue the best. So creative! Have fun on the zombie walk! Jet

  19. Glo - you are an artist in every sense of the word and whatever way the wind is a blowing !!! ;P Love it all xxx


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