Current Design Teams

Friday, August 24, 2012

Martin's Heart

This week at Dilly Beans the challenge is hearts.
This makes me sad. I am not a heart kinda gal. 
I have never dotted an "i" with a heart, and I don't really
even consider using one that isn't still beating after being freshly ripped
from a chest cavity. I have my standards.
I was pleased to use this sweet zombie boy image though.
He is called, " Martin's Heart" #377.
I backed Martin on an ATC sized archway image from
Itkupilli, that I distressed a bit with black soot distress ink.
I added a MS punched iron fence at the bottom and some
co-ordinating rhinestones in the corner.
Another ATC in the bucket!
I am getting quite the collection of ATCs. They are so fun to make!
Drop by the Dilly Beans challenge blog and join in on the fun. Maybe even
win some free digis of your own! Megan has just recently
added some new designs to her the shop! Check it out!


  1. Your ATCs are just as classy as your cards. Very cool way to avert the lovey dovey heart image, you have creeped this out to perfection xx

  2. Fabulous - I love this little guy. Great colouring and such a fabbo ATC xxxxx

  3. How gorgeous is this? Such vibrant eyes! don´t know how you do it...Please feel welcome to give me a lesson ,) xxlisa

  4. great job, atc's are so much fun, great choice of images and elements.
    mark xx

  5. Fab background and your coloring is just gorgeous! Love it! xxD

  6. I just love this image!Great job on the coloring ..TFS

  7. i love the background you picked! truly you do such an amazing job on these cards! =)


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