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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Been better

Life has really been taking me on a ride lately.
I didn't agree to this ride, but it is what it is.
Just tryin' to ride it out at this point.
And on top off the shit I am dealing with,
let's throw a horrendous head cold in to top it all off, shall we?
This one is much cuter than the snot monsters I have seen lately.
Anyhoo, here is a quick update of some of the projects I neglected to post
when they were still relevant.
Here are two ATCs I made for the Wicked Wednesday ATC challenge.
The theme WAS owls. Now it's Back to school. I missed entering these in time.

I used Justin Pike's owl images and the last one includes a quote
Next up is my new profile picture. 
This is a Zombie Lucky Cat from Philip Hynes.
I don't think it is available any longer, but Phil was nice enough
to gift this one to me.

It was already base painted in the green,
so I added all the rest of the paint and even got some
glow in the dark goodness going on in all of the bones and the eye. 
I shall name him, "Precious". Or "Malachi".
Thank you Phil!!!

And here we have the cutest little clove of garlic EVAH!!!
My dear friend Michell makes the most amazing sculpts!!
Her shop,  Covington Creations is a must see!!  

Awesome straight jacketed bat pendant. He actually hangs
upside down and will be perfect with my outfit for the
Vampire Ball coming in October.

I am not sure exactly what this guy is, but I do know that he
is brilliant!!!!
Thanks for the early gifts Michell! You ROCK!! 
That's it for now.
I'll be back with more schtuff to share later this week.  



  1. So much creativity.......thanks for sharing...that just might be the best cat EVER!!


  2. AWESOME gifts !! Her stuff is fabbo... gonna' go check that out :-)
    Love the Snot monster and your owl creations are way cool.
    So sorry you I having a rough time AND got the snots.
    Sending healing/happy hugz.... we wuff you :-D xxxx

  3. EVERYTHING is very very cool. Hope your head cold blows soon. xx

  4. So sorry to hear about what you are having to deal with...I was sick for almost 3 months with bronchitis and then the discovery of my breast lump on Father's Day, and now dealing with breast cancer treatments. I thank you so much for always making time to comment on my projects. I did get your last email and responded back to you. I hope you are doing better very soon.

    Carol (Carol's Creations)

  5. Who's a lucky girl then? All those amazing little gifts xxx

  6. Cool presies, am a bit jel ;)
    whens the b'day then??

  7. Love your Papelitos card and you are really rakin' in the loot, lady! I obviously suck at birthdays. So sorry you've been feelin' like crap. (of course if I were as old as you are...LOL) Luv ya! xxD

  8. Yeah, these are all freaking awesome, are you kidding me? Sorry you didn't get the owls posted in time, but they are certainly fabulous, my friend! Smooches! xo


Feel free to comment or just vent.